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Arissa A4 z 2 1 301
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for trio

9,27 €
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Estimated Duration
6 - 10min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-1720-9

Notes on this piece

This trio is a work in progress, which means that this first version should not be consider as a closed work, but a first state of the piece. It is the process rather than the result what I was considering in this work.

The first version, dated November 2015, last no more than 5 minutes; therefore it has somehow a character of miniature, of concentrated sound-situation.

The piece is inspired by the figure of the Spanish photographer Antoni Arissa, by his sensitivity and talent to capture unique and strong situations that hide a potential never unrevealed, but imagined in the fantasy of the viewer. In his so-called photo El perseguido (the followed one), we can see a central presence that dominates the image, but behind him another hidden figure emerges only though his shadow. Besides, the presence of the photographer is somehow there, maybe unconsciously. In addition, the man’s frozen state during a walk and his steps-ostinato as counterpoint create a very special and light energy.

This constellation of presences, with its poetic and unique impact on the perception, made me think of the three instruments as three different focus of sound: strong presence (piano), hidden presence (clarinet) and imagined space-presence (violoncello).

Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 14

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