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The Upgrade [for a group of musicians with phones an imaginary waiting room from a not-too distant future)

for voice, flute, piano, accordion and string orchestra (4,4,3,3,1) and all their smartphones

11,33 €
Digital version (+0,00 €) instant download
Printed format (+14,80 € printing and shipping). Colissimo7-14 days aprox.

When you buy a score, you can contact the composer right here!
Estimated Duration
6 - 10min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-3968-3

Notes on this piece
The Upgrade is a music-theater piece for musicians who are looking at their phones and only use one hand to hold and play their instruments. They are all placed in an "imaginary waiting room from a not-too distant future" where one protagonist is already at the desk, ordering a brain remodeling procedure that should help one use their phone more efficiently. There is a lot of clicking, plucking, hitting, scratching, whistling and few accidental tunes from open strings, horns and pipes, as well as short fragments of Selena Gomez hit song played backwards in slow motion.
Every instrumental part is produced in paper print, as well as in video for a smartphone.
Performance of the piece must be executed from smartphones video-parts and a video projection. 
All additional materials can be obtained from Maja Bosnić (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Flute|Piano|Accordion|Violin (3)|Violin (5)|Viola (3)|Cello (3)|Any voice
Here are the names of amazing performers who helped me put to practice certain extended techniques by using one hand only. All the sounds in the sketch are recorded by them and I am truly thankful for their effort.
Flute - Jelena Vujnović
Accordion - Mladen Vukmir
Violin - Dijana Opačić
Viola - Rastko Popović
Contrabass - Miloš Bosnić
(I recorded the piano and voice part)

Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 38
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