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La transformations

for clarinet

7,00 €
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Estimated Duration
6 - 10min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-6532-3

Notes on this piece
Transformation is a broad concept which has various meaning in different fields. In mathematics, it can refer to the original configuration of an object changed by means of rotation, reflection, and translation, dilation, and compression, etc. In biology, it refers to the process in which a gene is transferred from one cell to another cell, resulting that the genetic materials of the new cell have different codes. The music describes the conceptual process in that different parameters are changed such as the number of pitches, pitch’s space, rhythm, pulse, density, and gestures, etc. In the opening, only one pitch is emphasized and gradually different pitches are developed by means of addition and deletion as well as chromatic and diatonic interplay between pitches in different transpositional levels. The central section is highly contrasted by sparse textures in which the music exhibits meditative character; however, more often than not the original motivic material at the beginning constituting particular set-classes is conserved albeit in different pitch-class space. The last section recapitulates the similar sounding and gestures of the first section, however, pitches are grouped in sextuplets. Generally speaking, the piece is characterized by minimalistic styles in which repetition of figures are the central features.
Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 14

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