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Streams of Consciouness

for piano

9,00 €
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Estimated Duration
31 - 40min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-6804-1

Notes on this piece

Streams of Consciousness is a multi-movement piano suit that consists of 12 movements. Each movement has a particular title and is inspired by the general subtleties, mysteries, and traits of higher consciousness, which profoundly obsess me recently. Higher forms of consciousness such as mystical experiences and cosmic consciousnesses are the unique spiritual phenomena that solely processed by human mind and sometimes these even manifest the awareness of God. When our soul encounters such phenomena, one experiences the order of the universe and life as a sense of unity and oneness, particularly cosmic consciousness shows that the cosmos is God, and that God is the cosmos. Some even believe that such consciousness might lead to the future evolution of human mind and can even bring international peace and justice by seeking oneness of our universe with God.

The harmonic materials of the piece are inclined towards tonal palette and that each movement is hallmarked by a particular tonality; in this case, neo-tonality is adopted rather than establishing by traditional means. Not unlike preludes by Chopin and Shostakovich, the focal tonality of movements is proceeded by circle of fifth, spanning all the chromatic twelve pitches in all movements.

Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 72

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