Aki Ito
Play all audio recordingsAki Ito, a Japanese composer, studied composition and orchestration at CNSM de Paris. Alongside her instrumental creations, her sensitivity and interest directed him from the beginning of her career towards electronic music and new technology.
By pursuing its concept of slowness, she focuses since 2016 on the study of a temporal system inspired by astronomy. She defines slowness as a temporal space that changes slowly and perpetually, where several different periods coexist and influence each other. In this sense, time is relative and interactive for her, which changes according to the points of view.
She develops this principle and is currently working on the project Asterisms for a new concert experience in collaboration with Jean-Philippe Lambert, Parrakas Madonna, the project of Mono Opera with puppets Bunraku after the poem of Eira Sternberg, as well as other projects.
By pursuing its concept of slowness, she focuses since 2016 on the study of a temporal system inspired by astronomy. She defines slowness as a temporal space that changes slowly and perpetually, where several different periods coexist and influence each other. In this sense, time is relative and interactive for her, which changes according to the points of view.
She develops this principle and is currently working on the project Asterisms for a new concert experience in collaboration with Jean-Philippe Lambert, Parrakas Madonna, the project of Mono Opera with puppets Bunraku after the poem of Eira Sternberg, as well as other projects.
Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first
Acousmatic binaural
Aki Ito
Acousmatic, or for bass flute, bass clarinet and fixed electronic media
Aki Ito
Aki Ito
for voice, five instruments and electronics
Aki Ito
Aki Ito
for Cello
Aki Ito
Results 1 - 7 of 7
Libration 1er, 2e, et 3e tours Acousmatic binaural (2018)
Still slow Acousmatic, or for bass flute, bass clarinet and fixed electronic media (2017)
Le songe du pendule Acousmatic (2017)
Ensemble (Instruments or Voices) and Real Time Electronics
Prinsessa leikkii The Princess Plays La princesse s'amuse for voice, five instruments and electronics (2014)
Instruments and Electronics
Prinsessa leikkii The Princess Plays La princesse s'amuse for voice, five instruments and electronics (2014)
[ ./me_slowness ] (2005)
Chains for Cello (2006)
Etenraku (2009)
Le songe du pendule Acousmatic (2017)
Libration 1er, 2e, et 3e tours Acousmatic binaural (2018)
Prinsessa leikkii The Princess Plays La princesse s'amuse for voice, five instruments and electronics (2014)
Still slow Acousmatic, or for bass flute, bass clarinet and fixed electronic media (2017)
[ ./me_slowness ] (2005)
Etenraku (2009)
Le songe du pendule Acousmatic (2017)
Libration 1er, 2e, et 3e tours Acousmatic binaural (2018)
Prinsessa leikkii The Princess Plays La princesse s'amuse for voice, five instruments and electronics (2014)
Still slow Acousmatic, or for bass flute, bass clarinet and fixed electronic media (2017)
[ ./me_slowness ] (2005)