Bruno Zanolini
Play all audio recordingsBruno Zanolini was bom in 1945 in Milan (Italy), where he graduated in piano, composition, and Modern Literature. For many years he taught composition at the Milan "G. Verdi" Conservatory, where he was Director from 2007 to 2010.
As a composer his symphonic, chamber and choral works have won him universal acclami as well as prizes in several competitions. He is also active in music research and has published essentially technical studies on L.Dallapiccola, G.Pierluigi da Palestrina, J.Brahms, on Romantic Melodrama (G.Rossini and especially G.Donizetti: a volume on Donizetti has been translated into Japanese) and on Postromantic Melodrama (R.Zandonai) and also on composers of the early 19th century. In particular he has rescarched in some depth the uses of harmony and above all counterpoint techniques in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, to which be has dedicated two volumes (the first in collaboration with R.Dionisi) considered among the most important of recent decades.H is a lecturer al many international conferences and frequently one of the judges at composition competitions; he is also professor for various courses in composition and analysis.
As a composer his symphonic, chamber and choral works have won him universal acclami as well as prizes in several competitions. He is also active in music research and has published essentially technical studies on L.Dallapiccola, G.Pierluigi da Palestrina, J.Brahms, on Romantic Melodrama (G.Rossini and especially G.Donizetti: a volume on Donizetti has been translated into Japanese) and on Postromantic Melodrama (R.Zandonai) and also on composers of the early 19th century. In particular he has rescarched in some depth the uses of harmony and above all counterpoint techniques in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, to which be has dedicated two volumes (the first in collaboration with R.Dionisi) considered among the most important of recent decades.H is a lecturer al many international conferences and frequently one of the judges at composition competitions; he is also professor for various courses in composition and analysis.
Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first
per voce recitante (ad libitum), flauto, oboe e clarinetto
Bruno Zanolini
per orchestra
Bruno Zanolini
per fl, cl, v, vc. e pianoforte
Bruno Zanolini
per voce recitante e 5 strumenti.
Bruno Zanolini
per coro di bambini e strumenti.
Bruno Zanolini
per cinque gruppi di percussione
Bruno Zanolini
Results 1 - 6 of 6
Voices and Instruments
No pereat memoria per voce recitante (ad libitum), flauto, oboe e clarinetto (2019)
Una storia lombarda per voce recitante e 5 strumenti. (2004)
Beati parvuli per coro di bambini e strumenti. (2000)
Chamber Ensemble (5 - 9 instruments)
Suite a rondo da Una storia lombarda per fl, cl, v, vc. e pianoforte (2015)
Free climb per cinque gruppi di percussione (1989)
Beati parvuli per coro di bambini e strumenti. (2000)
Burlesca per orchestra (2016)
Free climb per cinque gruppi di percussione (1989)
No pereat memoria per voce recitante (ad libitum), flauto, oboe e clarinetto (2019)
Suite a rondo da Una storia lombarda per fl, cl, v, vc. e pianoforte (2015)
Una storia lombarda per voce recitante e 5 strumenti. (2004)
Burlesca per orchestra (2016)
Free climb per cinque gruppi di percussione (1989)
No pereat memoria per voce recitante (ad libitum), flauto, oboe e clarinetto (2019)
Suite a rondo da Una storia lombarda per fl, cl, v, vc. e pianoforte (2015)
Una storia lombarda per voce recitante e 5 strumenti. (2004)