Carlos de Castellarnau

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Born in Spain, Carlos de Castellarnau has studied with Ramon Humet and Agustí Charles in Barcelone, with Stefano Gervasoni in the CNSMDP in Paris and he had participated in the Cursus I and II in the IRCAM. His works has been awarded in several competitions as the ALEA III in Boston, the Joan Guinjoan Composition Competition in Barcelona or the JukeBoxx NewMusic in Munich.

His recent works are very influenced by the informalist painters and their praxis researches. Fascinated by the grotesque as a poetical source and the quality of expression of the matter, Castellarnau works combine sound refinement and timbre complexity.

Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Instrumental Music

Proyecto Grimm Œuvre de théâtre musical pour six instruments, électronique et groupe d'enfants. (2022)
Plany d'Antígona for chamber orchestra (2018)
Fixacions II for mixed quintet (2012)
Intervallum Mundi Motus (2011)

Music and Scene

Struwwelpeter Cuentos crueles al oído (2020)

Orchestral Music

Plany d'Antígona for chamber orchestra (2018)

Ensemble (Instruments or Voices) and Fixed Electronic Media

Antropofauna for ensemble and electronics (2015)

Chamber Ensemble (5 - 9 instruments)

Esdevenir for wind quintet (2013)

Ensemble (10 - 19 instruments)

Fixacions II for mixed quintet (2012)
Intervallum Mundi Motus (2011)
Antropofauna for ensemble and electronics (2015)
Esdevenir for wind quintet (2013)
Fixacions II for mixed quintet (2012)
Intervallum Mundi Motus (2011)
Plany d'Antígona for chamber orchestra (2018)
Proyecto Grimm Œuvre de théâtre musical pour six instruments, électronique et groupe d'enfants. (2022)
Struwwelpeter Cuentos crueles al oído (2020)
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