Charles Champi
Play all audio recordingsComposer, violin performer, music teacher, and researcher.
He started his composition studies privately in 2004 with Miguel Almaguer, and later on with Roberto Carlos Flores and Eduardo Caballero. He has attended composition courses and seminars in Mexico and Europe with composers such as Emanuel Nunes, Luca Belcastro, Rodrigo Sigal, Julio Estrada, Ana Lara, Joao Pedro Oliveira, Carola Bauckholt, Peter Ablinger, Clara Iannotta, Hanna Hartmann, Isabel Mundry, Javier Torres Maldonado, Germán Romero, and Fabian Panisello, among others.
His music has been performed in Mexico, Spain, Italy, France, and South Korea, by ensembles such as the Cromano String Quartet, CEPROMUSIC, Manufaktur für Aktuelle Musik, Taller Sonoro, Low Frequency Trio, ACHROME Ensemble, and Ensemble InterContemporaine.
Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first
for Achrome Ensemble
Charles Champi
for French Horn, Cello, and Piano
Charles Champi
for ensemble and tape
Charles Champi
for Trumpet and Bass Clarinet
Charles Champi
(prelude to the opera "La Fosa")
Charles Champi
omaggio a Peter Ablinger
Charles Champi
for bass clarinet, contrabass, piano, and tape
Charles Champi
omaggio a S.Revueltas
Charles Champi
for violin, cello, and piano
Charles Champi
for violin and piano
Charles Champi
for flute, bass clarinet, and piano
Charles Champi
for string quartet
Charles Champi
for oboe solo
Charles Champi
for mixed ensemble
Charles Champi
for piano and (duct) tape
Charles Champi
Results 1 - 15 of 15
Pierrot Ensemble (fl, cl, vln, vlc, piano)
Scholion for Achrome Ensemble (2024)
La Fosa (prelude to the opera "La Fosa") (2019)
Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )
11 Daily Requiems for French Horn, Cello, and Piano (2022)
Paréidolie for Trumpet and Bass Clarinet (2020)
Phaino for bass clarinet, contrabass, piano, and tape (2017)
Xobole for violin, cello, and piano (2016)
Logodia for violin and piano (2016)
Kuklos for flute, bass clarinet, and piano (2016)
Asphodelos for string quartet (2015)
Chamber Ensemble (5 - 9 instruments)
Scholion for Achrome Ensemble (2024)
Nemesis for ensemble and tape (2021)
La Fosa (prelude to the opera "La Fosa") (2019)
11 Daily Requiems for French Horn, Cello, and Piano (2022)
Asphodelos for string quartet (2015)
Kuklos for flute, bass clarinet, and piano (2016)
La Fosa (prelude to the opera "La Fosa") (2019)
Logodia for violin and piano (2016)
Nemesis for oboe solo (2014)
Nemesis for ensemble and tape (2021)
Paréidolie for Trumpet and Bass Clarinet (2020)
Phaino for bass clarinet, contrabass, piano, and tape (2017)
Physis for piano and (duct) tape (2013)
Rehearsal omaggio a Peter Ablinger (2018)
Revoltijo omaggio a S.Revueltas (2017)
Sappho for mixed ensemble (2013)
Scholion for Achrome Ensemble (2024)
Xobole for violin, cello, and piano (2016)
Asphodelos for string quartet (2015)
Kuklos for flute, bass clarinet, and piano (2016)
La Fosa (prelude to the opera "La Fosa") (2019)
Logodia for violin and piano (2016)
Nemesis for oboe solo (2014)
Nemesis for ensemble and tape (2021)
Paréidolie for Trumpet and Bass Clarinet (2020)
Phaino for bass clarinet, contrabass, piano, and tape (2017)
Physis for piano and (duct) tape (2013)
Rehearsal omaggio a Peter Ablinger (2018)
Revoltijo omaggio a S.Revueltas (2017)
Sappho for mixed ensemble (2013)
Scholion for Achrome Ensemble (2024)
Xobole for violin, cello, and piano (2016)