Florent Colautti

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Florent Colautti was born in Les Landes forest, in his native country he studied classical music and architecture. Later on, he has studied electroacoustic and instrumental composition obtaining a DEM of the school music of Bordeaux. He continued his musical training in Paris with P.Leroux, T. Blondeau and R.R.Larivière. As a composer he has attended workshops in France and abroad with well known professors and artists.

Coluatti is an associate composer of the SCRIME, he has worked with the Mobilis-Immobilis company, with the Proxima Centauri ensemble, with Besides ensemble, the Muse en circuit, and other recognized artists and bands projects.
His works relate sound-arts, composition and live electronics performance.
Coluatti's music has been performed in France and abroad. In 2009, he won a SACEM prize and the first prize on the composition competition Vacances percutantes with a percussion quartet.
Works be edited on Label : Les potagers natures
Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )

Data Processing (2011)
Attraction (2007)

Ensemble (Instruments or Voices) and Fixed Electronic Media

Noise box (2010)

Soloist (Instrument or Voice) and Real Time Electronics

Travesti (2009)
Attraction (2007)
Data Processing (2011)
Noise box (2010)
Travesti (2009)
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