Jose Miguel Arellano
Play all audio recordingsThe music of José Miguel Arellano (Chile, 1985) has been premiered his works in more than 10 countries, collaborating with ensembles, soloists and orchestras, such as José Luis Urquieta (oboe, Chile) Ensemble Línea (France), Plural Ensemble (Spain), Spektral Quartet (United States), Violet Collective (Canada), ~Nois (sax quartet, US), Ensamble Contemporáneo UC and Orquesta de Cámara de Chile among others. Received his doctorate in 2018 from Northwestern University, under the guidance of Hans Thomalla and Jay Alan Yim, and has participated in conferences and received private lessons from great composers such as Luis Naón, Marco Stroppa, Pierluigi Billone, Steve Reich, Chaya Czernowin, Leo Brouwer and Ramón Lazkano among others.
Since 2018 he is a professor at the Facultad de Artes Liberales at Adolfo Ibáñez University, Chile, where he is also pursuing a Master's Degree in Political Philosophy and Ethics.
Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first
for countertenor, clarinet, harp and cello
Jose Miguel Arellano
for flute and guitar
Jose Miguel Arellano
alto sax and piano
Jose Miguel Arellano
(cuarteto No.1)
Jose Miguel Arellano
Jose Miguel Arellano
Jose Miguel Arellano
Jose Miguel Arellano
Jose Miguel Arellano
Jose Miguel Arellano
Jose Miguel Arellano
Results 1 - 10 of 10
Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )
Life is a barren field for countertenor, clarinet, harp and cello (2018)
In memoriam for flute and guitar (2018)
A media voz (cuarteto No.1) (2017)
Instrumental Music
Life is a barren field for countertenor, clarinet, harp and cello (2018)
In memoriam for flute and guitar (2018)
He dicho que cantabas en el viento alto sax and piano (2018)
La noche marina (2011)
Entre el cielo y la tierra (2009)
A clear midnight (2012)
A media voz (cuarteto No.1) (2017)
As the time draws nigh (2011)
Entre el cielo y la tierra (2009)
He dicho que cantabas en el viento alto sax and piano (2018)
Imaginario (2012)
In memoriam for flute and guitar (2018)
La noche marina (2011)
Life is a barren field for countertenor, clarinet, harp and cello (2018)
Secret gardens of the mind (2013)
A media voz (cuarteto No.1) (2017)
As the time draws nigh (2011)
Entre el cielo y la tierra (2009)
He dicho que cantabas en el viento alto sax and piano (2018)
Imaginario (2012)
In memoriam for flute and guitar (2018)
La noche marina (2011)
Life is a barren field for countertenor, clarinet, harp and cello (2018)
Secret gardens of the mind (2013)