Juan Ortiz de Zarate

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·     Profesor Superior de Música. Conservatorio Provincial de Música “Juan José Castro” 1978-1985 Qualification for High-Level Professors (equivalent of the French “Habilitation”) in order to allow music teaching and supervision in all levels of University and Conservatory sectors. Result: Class I

·         Licenciado en Música, specialised in composition. Catholic University of Argentina. 1980-1986. Seven-Year Degree equivalent to German “Diplom”, or British “MMus”

·         Ph.D. in Composition. University of Edinburgh. Supervisors: Niegel Osborne (acoustic composition) and Peter Nelson (music technology)


B. Other Education


·         MAX/MSP Course. Year 1999. Quilmes University of Buenos Aires. Two week intensive course given by one of the developpers of the Software Dr. Christopher Dobrian.

·         Cursus d’Informatique Musicale. IRCAM-Paris. 1998-99. Nine month course for composers on the IRCAM Software.

·         Stage d’Informatique Musicale. IRCAM-Paris. 1997. One month course for composers on the IRCAM Software.

·         Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik. Years 1996 and 2000. In the last session (2000) I attended a special course focused in musical installations.

·        Composition Training. Stuttgarter-Musikchochschule fur Müsik und Darstellende Künste. 1991-’94. Subjects included Contemporary Composition and Analysis with Helmut Lachenmann, Vocal Music of 20th Century-an analytic research, Electroacoustic Music and Percussion Workshop for Composers.

·         Choral Conducting. Catholic University of Argentina. 1984-’86. Three year course in choral conducting with Antonio Russo.

Grants Awarded


·         Faculty Group Research Scholarship. 1999-2002. To do a Ph.D. in Composition in the University of Edinburgh.

·         ORS Award (Overseas Research Scholarship). 1999-2002. To do a Ph.D. in Composition in the University of Edinburgh.

·         Special Presidential Grant for Cultural Excellence. 1998. Grant by the National Department of Culture and Education-Presidency of the Nation, Argentina

·         City of Buenos Aires Department of Culture Grant. 1997. Grant to attend the IRCAM Stage d’ Informatique Musicale.

·         D.A.A.D Grant. 1996. Grant by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst to participate in the Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik.

·         D.A.A.D Grant. 1991-92, 1993-94. Grant by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst to study Composition and Musical Analysis in the Stuttgarter-Musikchochschule für Musik und Darstellende Künste, with Helmut Lachenmann.

·         French State Grant. 1991-92. To study Composition and Musical Analysis, first place. The german grant (D.A.A.D-Grant) was finally chosen for the same year.

·         Antorchas Foundation and Camping Musical Bariloche Grant. 1991.for further training in music composition.

·         National Fund of Arts. 1988. Grant to study orchestral composition and analysis with Mariano Etkin.


Teaching and Professional Experience


·      Professor. Catholic University of Argentina (U.C.A.) Subject: Composition IV. Years 2005 -2009. Professor Ph.D. program, Seminars: “Instrumental reinvention” and “Contemporary Compositional Thinking”.

·       Researcher. Specialized in contemporary music. National Institute of Musicology. Since years 2003–2013 and since 2018. I this Institute I founded in the year 2018 a scientific review specialized in contemporary music (https://inmcv.cultura.gob.ar/noticia/cuadernos-de-analisis-y-debate-sobre-musicas-latinoamericanas-contemporaneas/), and in the year 2019 a Catalogue of Argentinean composers (https://inmcv.cultura.gob.ar/noticia/base-de-datos-de-compositores-argentinos/)

·         Artistic Director (and founder) of the Area of Contemporary Music, Ministry of Culture of the Nation. Years 2013 – 2017. In this area I curated series of operas and concerts. Also I organized pedagogical and research programs, always related with angentinean and latin american contemporary music.

·          Researcher. Specialized in contemporary music. Catholic University of Argentina (U.C.A.) Since 2008.

·         Professor. Subject: Musical Structures I. University of 3 de Febrero (U.N.T.R.E.F.) Years 2003-2006.

·         Director and Founder of the Contemporary Music Sector. Morón-Conservatory of Argentina. Years: 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999.

·         Lecturer. Subjects: Analysis of Compositional Techniques in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Chamber Music. Morón Conservatory of Argentina. Since year 1989.

·         Lecturer. Subjects: Choral Conducting II; Music History; Music Analysis, Theory, Harmony, Aural Training. Escuela Nacional de Música (Higher Education Institution for Music Teachers) Years: 1986-1999.

·         Lecturer. Subject: Analysis and Orchestration. Banfield-Conservatory of Buenos Aires. Year: 1989.

·         Composer. Department of Television of the University of Salvador, Buenos Aires. Composed music for diverse television programmes such as documentaries, news, and so forth. Years: 1988, 1989.


I am regularly invited to give conferences, seminars and master classes, as well as to perform my pieces, in different universities of Argentina, Latin America and other areas of the world, for instance Chile University; Caldas, Los Andes and Distrital Universities, (Colombia); Cuenca and Quito Universities (Ecuador); Centro Mexicano para la Música y las Artes Sonoras; Belfast University (North Ireland); National Univesrity of Beijing (China); etc., etc.




·         Honourable Mention. S.O.D.R.E. (Official Broadcasting Service), Montevideo-Uruguay. For the piece “E.S.Super...” Year 1987.

·         First Prize. Corrientes province. For the ballet “Leyenda “. Year 1988.

·         First Prize. SADAIC (Argentine Society of Authors and Composers). For the piece “Concierto para Orquesta”. Year 1990.

·         First Prize. National Fund of Arts. For the piece “Libro del Consejo” (The Book of the Council) Year 1993.

·         First Prize. National Department of Culture and Education-National Symphonic Orchestra. For the piece “Movimientos Desintegra(b)les”. Year 1995.

·         Honourable Mention. Banco Mayo and Mayo Foundation. For the piece “Puntos, Regiones, de Referencia”. Year 1996.

·         First Prize. National Fund of Arts. For the piece “Suoni Immaginari”. Year 1996.

·         City of Buenos Aires Composition Prize. For the piece “Libro del Consejo” (The Book of the Council) Year 1998.

·         First Prize. Regional Prize-National Department of Culture and Education. For the piece “First Sight for K.” Year 2001.

·         First Prize. Tribuna de Música Argentina 2002. For the piece “First Sight for K.”.

·         Honorable Mention. Premio Iberoamericano Rodolfo Halffter de Composición. México. For the piece “Puntos de Contacto” (2004)

·         First Prize. 1st National Contest of Composition for solo voices 2012 - Nonsense Vocal Ensemble of Soloists - Melos Musical Editions. For the piece “…todo muda…” Year 2012.

·         First Prize. National Fund of Arts. For the piece “Espejos/reflejoS”, for piano and large orchestra. Year 2016.




  • Ortiz de Zarate, Julio Cesar and Ortiz de Zarate, Juan “La corea y el baile” (The Chorea and the Dance). Revista Neurológica Argentina. Vol 20  Num. 2, Buenos Aires. 1995.
  • Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. “The Issue of the Quotation in Contemporary Music”. Música e Investigación-Revue of the National Institute of Musicology-Argentina. Num 9, Buenos Aires. 2001.
  • Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. “Galaxia 64, by Juan Carlos Paz”. Música e Investigación-Revue of the National Institute of Musicology-Argentina. Num 10-11, Buenos Aires. 2003.
  • Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. “Intermission VI, by Morton Feldman”. Música e Investigación-Revue of the National Institute of Musicology-Argentina. Num. 14-15, Buenos Aires. 2004.

·         Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. COMPOSING THE SILENCE, About Dal Niente (Interieur III), by Helmut Lachenmann. Música e Investigación- Revue of the National Institute of Musicology-Argentina. Num. 17, pp. 177-188. Buenos Aires.  2009

  • Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. Brian Ferneyhough. Basic principles of the rhythmic structuration of his music. In Resonancias – Revue of the Catholic University of Chile. Nº 24, pp. 13-22.  Chile, 2009.
  • Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. Some ways of dealing with time in contemporary music In Música e Investigación- Revue of the National Institute of Musicology-Argentina.. Nº. 21, pp. 109-128. Buenos Aires. 2013.
  • Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. The condensation of the materials in the piece Rituel, by Pierre Boulez. In the revue of the Institute of Musicological Research, Catholic University of Argentina. Num. 33 - 2, pp. 113-138. Buenos Aires. 2019. http://www.iimcv.org/docs/revistas/rev33-02_06.pdf

Other relevant Experience


A.    Administration

I have been Director and founder of the Contemporary Music Sector in the Moron Conservatory (1996-99). I organized various musical events like concerts, seminars and workshops.

I have been the Executive Director of a musical programme on Tango and Folk Music in the Department of Television of the Salvador University of Buenos Aires. 1998-99.




-          English

-          Français

-          Deutsch


B.     Performing


I have been a devoted guitarist and choir director. I played in many concerts, including tours, both as soloist and as part of various ensembles. Since my early 30s, however, I focused all my energies to researching, composing and teaching.



Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Solo Instrument

Dazen-Vinud for solo violin (2021)
Guerra al tiempo for one piano player (2012)
Monólogo V for solo flute (2011)
Pianissimo I y II two pieces for solo piano (2009)
, hubo pues un antes... for solo cello (2008)
Aldonza tango para piano (2005)

Pierrot Ensemble (fl, cl, vln, vlc, piano)

Plural thoughts para quinteto Pierrot (2021)

Symphony Orchestra

El Sistema y sus Reglas Para piano y gran orquesta. For piano and orchestra. (2020)
Puntos de Contacto para Orquesta con piano y arpa (2003)

Chamber Ensemble (5 - 9 instruments)

Plural thoughts para quinteto Pierrot (2021)
Azul es el color para quinteto Pierrot y percusión. (2019)

Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )

El orden del sistema for two pianos (2019)
Samsa Study for Flute, Percussion, Violin and cello (2013)
2º Cuarteto de Cuerdas for 2 violins, viola and cello (2012)
Can she excuse For flute voice and guitar. (2009)
Second Sight for K. Three pieces for string quartet (2000)

String Quartet

2º Cuarteto de Cuerdas for 2 violins, viola and cello (2012)
Second Sight for K. Three pieces for string quartet (2000)

Vocal Music

...todo muda... for 8 voices ensemble or mixed choir. (2011)
, hubo pues un antes... for solo cello (2008)
...todo muda... for 8 voices ensemble or mixed choir. (2011)
2º Cuarteto de Cuerdas for 2 violins, viola and cello (2012)
Aldonza tango para piano (2005)
Azul es el color para quinteto Pierrot y percusión. (2019)
Can she excuse For flute voice and guitar. (2009)
Dazen-Vinud for solo violin (2021)
El orden del sistema for two pianos (2019)
El Sistema y sus Reglas Para piano y gran orquesta. For piano and orchestra. (2020)
Guerra al tiempo for one piano player (2012)
Monólogo V for solo flute (2011)
Pianissimo I y II two pieces for solo piano (2009)
Plural thoughts para quinteto Pierrot (2021)
Puntos de Contacto para Orquesta con piano y arpa (2003)
Samsa Study for Flute, Percussion, Violin and cello (2013)
Second Sight for K. Three pieces for string quartet (2000)
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