Ko Sahara

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Ko Sahara is a Composer and Sound Designer based in Japan. His works revolve around physical and acoustic perception in music listening and confrontation with the past and established materials. In 2019-2020, he took part in the IRCAM Cursus program for composition and computer music where he works with Thierry de Mey and Grégoire Lorieux, after studying at the Tokyo College of the Music where he worked with Shin-ichiro Ikebe, Keiko Harada and Toshio Hosokawa, Tokyo University of the Arts where he worked with Ichiro Nodaira and Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris where he worked with Frédéric Durieux. Now he is at the teaching position of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music (Kanagawa, Japan).

Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Mixed Ensemble

Boat and Oar for alto flute, alto saxophone, double bass and electronics (2023)

Instrumental Music

Hagoromo for Bass Flute and Electronics (2020)
Suite de danses pour flûte contrebasse et saxophone baryton (version pour flûte basse et saxophone alto inclus) (2018)
Solo for Soprano Saxophone (2018)
Buffer-groove for Piano (2018)
Rhapsody for 2 violins (2018)
Piece for Piano Piece for Piano (2017)

Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )

Suite de danses pour flûte contrebasse et saxophone baryton (version pour flûte basse et saxophone alto inclus) (2018)
Rhapsody for 2 violins (2018)

Solo Instrument

Solo for Soprano Saxophone (2018)
Buffer-groove for Piano (2018)
Piece for Piano Piece for Piano (2017)
Boat and Oar for alto flute, alto saxophone, double bass and electronics (2023)
Buffer-groove for Piano (2018)
Hagoromo for Bass Flute and Electronics (2020)
Piece for Piano Piece for Piano (2017)
Rhapsody for 2 violins (2018)
Solo for Soprano Saxophone (2018)
Suite de danses pour flûte contrebasse et saxophone baryton (version pour flûte basse et saxophone alto inclus) (2018)