Manon Lepauvre

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 Manon Lepauvre began her musical journey by playing flute in different schools (Conservatoire de Laval (53) and Conservatoire du 9eme arrondissement de Paris) and orchestras (Orchestre à l'école, Orchestre d'Harmonie de Laval, Orchestre d'harmonie de Boulogne-Billancourt). She showed a great interest in musical creation and composition. Therefore, in 2012, she decided to study composition with Marco Suarez.

When she moved to Paris she worked with Jean Luc Hervé at the Conservatoire de Boulogne- Billancourt for two years in order to confirm her technique and analysis. Then she pursued her composition training with Martin Matalon at the Conservatoire d'Aubervilliers for 4 years. During her training she wrote a lot of pieces for different instrumental ensembles. In 2016 she participated in CompoLab, a summer academy with the Ars Nova and Proxima Centauri instrumental ensembles, where she composed two pieces: Maëlstrom and Masking Tape, which were played in Saint Jean D'Angely, Paris, Bordeaux, Poitiers and Sao Paulo (Brazil).

In addition to her studies at the conservatory, she holds a degree in musicology from the University of Rennes II, and a master’s degree in “Music and Sound Creation” from the University of Paris 8. In these circumstances she composed Funambule for a Wind Orchestra of children and video. She also worked with José Manuel Lopez Lopez in composing a piece for Les Percussions de Strasbourg.

She is currently enrolled in the composition program at the National Conservatory (CNSMD) of Lyon. In this context, she was work on two pieces, the first one is a duo for cello and piano and the other one is for a little ensemble. Both was played in January and February. She has also been selected by the International Composition Course Barcelona Modern to be part of their academy this year. In 2019, she composed an Alla Breve for the KDM ensemble that got broadcasted by France Musique. She also wrote Melibée II, a piece for piano and violin for the ensemble Écoute. In 2020 she works with Sillages for a creation that will be played in may at the Brest National Theater, and with the ensemble 2E2M for an other creation in October.

The ensemble Multilatérale ordered her a piece for a creation in March 2021 at the Philharmonie de Paris.

Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Chamber Ensemble (5 - 9 instruments)

Embruns Quintette à vent (2020)

Ensemble (10 - 19 instruments)

Afturganga II - (2019)

Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )

Morpho Création France Musique Alla Brève (2019)
Afturganga II - (2019)
Embruns Quintette à vent (2020)
Morpho Création France Musique Alla Brève (2019)
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