Nicolas Mondon

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Nicolas Mondon is a french composer born in 1980 in Nantes (France). He has studied composition with Philippe Leroux, Allain Gaussin, Horatio Radulescu, and is graduated from Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (Master II, CNSMDP, 2011, Gérard Pesson).
His previous studies included classical piano, continued with Jeff Cohen and Peter Feuchwanger as an accompanist for voice, improvisation, jazz, gamelan, and composition. It was through out this period that he discovered middle and far-eastern music. In 2005 he took part at the « Voix Nouvelles » masterclasses of the Abbaye of Royaumont.  He has studied computer music at I.R.C.A.M. (Paris) from 2009 to 2012, where he worked on the pieces for prepared disklavier Pianola/Phonographe ; his orchestral piece Berceuse-tableaux was premiered at the Salle Pleyel in Paris (2007). He awarded the « Prix d'encouragement de l'Académie de Beaux-Arts » in 2010 and the fellowships Gargonza Arts 2013 (Italy), Akademie Schloss Solitude (Stuttgart), and « composer in research » at IRCAM. As a teacher, he was the assistant for analysis of contemporary music of Michael Lévinas at CNSMDP.
Nicolas Mondon is currently a teacher in Vitry-sur-Seine and Paris (Xe), the artistic director of the contemporary ensemble InSoliTus, and follow a Creation PhD program at PSL University / CNSMDP with Gérard Pesson et Martin Kaltenecker.
Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Solo Instrument

Clepsydre short/first version ©2023 (2023)
Cèngkok solo flute (2018)
Sonates for piano (2013)
Taire le nom avec assez de joie for piano (2013)
Dés-tudes (2008)
Trois rébus de Léonard de Vinci pour piano (2008)
Olvida (2002)

Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )

Semé d'un Sinon II for flute, saxophone and piano (2019)
Trio for flute, saxophone, prepared piano (2016)
Prélude et Trois mouvements perpétuels easy piece for piano 8 hands - pièce pédagogique (2016)
Carillons mous string quartet (2015)
Ce que l'arbre tait de lui-même for piano, guitar, cello and zarb (2014)
Twin Sketches for two saxophones (2013)
Bu bu jiao (II) for quartet (2012)
Ravine for small ensemble (2011)
Bu bu jiao for clarinet and string trio (2009)

Chamber Ensemble (5 - 9 instruments)

Semé d'un sinon I for ensemble (2019)
I'd prefer to try eternity for ensemble (2015)
Cinq miniatures for ensemble (2014)
Quattuor Foci for ensemble (2008)
Esquisse pour un point d'orgue (2007)
Nocturnes (2005)

Ensemble (Instruments or Voices) and Real Time Electronics

Daily Colotomy for small ensemble and electronics (2017)
Herbes à peine / Semé d'un sinon pour ensemble et hélices soniques (2017)
Klavierkantate for keyboards ensemble (2011)

String Quartet

Carillons mous string quartet (2015)

Soloist (Instrument or Voice) and Real Time Electronics

Pianola / Phonographe II for prepared disklavier (2013)

Instruments and Electronics

Daily Colotomy for small ensemble and electronics (2017)
Herbes à peine / Semé d'un sinon pour ensemble et hélices soniques (2017)
Pianola / Phonographe II for prepared disklavier (2013)
Klavierkantate for keyboards ensemble (2011)
Pianola / Phonographe (2010)

Symphony Orchestra

Petit bocal for orchestra (2009)

Orchestral Music

Petit bocal for orchestra (2009)
Berceuse tableaux pour grand orchestre (2007)
Berceuse tableaux pour grand orchestre (2007)
Bu bu jiao for clarinet and string trio (2009)
Bu bu jiao (II) for quartet (2012)
Carillons mous string quartet (2015)
Ce que l'arbre tait de lui-même for piano, guitar, cello and zarb (2014)
Cèngkok solo flute (2018)
Cinq miniatures for ensemble (2014)
Clepsydre short/first version ©2023 (2023)
Daily Colotomy for small ensemble and electronics (2017)
Dés-tudes (2008)
Esquisse pour un point d'orgue (2007)
Herbes à peine / Semé d'un sinon pour ensemble et hélices soniques (2017)
I'd prefer to try eternity for ensemble (2015)
Jardin_berceuse_intérieur (2007)
Klavierkantate for keyboards ensemble (2011)
Nocturnes (2005)
Olvida (2002)
Petit bocal for orchestra (2009)
Pianola / Phonographe (2010)
Pianola / Phonographe II for prepared disklavier (2013)
Prélude et Trois mouvements perpétuels easy piece for piano 8 hands - pièce pédagogique (2016)
Quattuor Foci for ensemble (2008)
Ravine for small ensemble (2011)
Semé d'un sinon I for ensemble (2019)
Semé d'un Sinon II for flute, saxophone and piano (2019)
Sonates for piano (2013)
Taire le nom avec assez de joie for piano (2013)
Trio for flute, saxophone, prepared piano (2016)
Trois rébus de Léonard de Vinci pour piano (2008)
Twin Sketches for two saxophones (2013)