Rocío Cano Valiño

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Rocío CANO VALIÑO - born in Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Composer and interior designer. Rocío’s musical production is dedicated to instrumental, mixed and  electroacoustic  pieces.  She is a member of the artistic committee of the Ensemble Orbis, which is based in Lyon and she co-founded. Rocío’s music was performed by ensembles such as: Proxima Centauri, HANATSUmirror, Paramirabo, Ensemble Ars Nova, Duo PARCOURS, among others... She collaborated as a scenographer and 3D designer on the opera “QU'EST-CE QUE L'AMOUR ?” by composer Demian Rudel Rey.


Rocío is pursuing her Masters in Contemporary Composition at the CNSMD in Lyon [France], where she studies with François Roux. She also takes lessons with Martín Matalon and Luca Antignani. She did an international mobility at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz [Austria] with Franck Bedrossian. Rocío obtained a DNSPM in composition at the CNSMDL in Lyon, a Bachelor's degree in musicology at the University Lumière Lyon 2, a Diploma of Musical Studies [DEM] in electroacoustic composition with Stéphane Borrel at the CRR in Lyon. In Argentina, she studied composition with Demian Rudel Rey.


She has received various commissions: Aide à l’écriture du Ministère de la Culture [FR]; France Musique “Création Mondiale”, residency at the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM) and premiered at the Festival Présences 2020 at the Maison de la Radio [FR]; Fondo Nacional de las Artes [AR]; Studio Césaré CNCM [FR]; Ibermúsicas [AR-Latin America]; Bahía[in]sonora Festival [AR]; SACEM [FR]; OARA [FR] …


Her works have received distinctions from: Destellos Foundation [AR], Musicworks [CA], TRINAC UNESCO [AR], Banc d'Essai GRM [FR], KLANG! [FR], Exhibitronic [FR], Rampazzi Prize [IT], Marcelle Deschênes Prize [CA], Métamorphoses [BE], TRIMARG [AR], Luigi Russolo Award [FR-ES], among others. Rocío’s compositions have been selected and performed in various festivals around the world such as Festival Mixtur, CEMI Circles, Festival de Música Electroacústica de la UC, Klingt gut, MA/IN Festival, FILE, Phas.e, SIME, Festival Zéppelin, Vienna Acousmonium, San Francisco Tape Music Festival...


In 2017, the label Resterecords released her first monographic album “Tâches”. Rocío's music is published by Babel Scores, Score Follower, Musiques & Recherches, Monochrome Vision, Taukay Edizioni Musicali and Phas.e. La Lettre du Musicien published her "Portrait double vie" written by Antoine Pecqueur in the "Architecture" edition in 2020.

Website :

Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Ensemble (Instruments or Voices) and Fixed Electronic Media

Átropos saxophone, percussion et électronique (2022)

Soloist (Instrument or Voice) and Fixed Electronic Media

Antanáklasi IV for violin and electronics (2021)
Antanáklasi III for percussion and electronics (2019)

Instruments and Electronics

Átropos saxophone, percussion et électronique (2022)
Antanáklasi IV for violin and electronics (2021)
Antanáklasi I for flute and electronics (2019)
Antanáklasi III for percussion and electronics (2019)


Astérion electroacoustic (2018)
Antanáklasi I for flute and electronics (2019)
Antanáklasi III for percussion and electronics (2019)
Antanáklasi IV for violin and electronics (2021)
Astérion electroacoustic (2018)
Átropos saxophone, percussion et électronique (2022)
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