Shai Cohen

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Dr. Shai Cohen is a composer-researcher, educator, and jazz performer, chairman of the Israel Composers' League. Cohen composes symphonic music, chamber music, electronic music, and music for solo instruments. Cohen's music has been performed by musicians and ensembles like SNU Symphony Orchestra (Korea), the Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (Moscow), members of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (Scotland), Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music (Japan), T'ang Quartet (Singapore), St Andrews New Music Ensemble (Scotland), Ensemble Kaprizma (Israel), Israel Contemporary Players, the Arab & Jewish ensembles of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, The Tel-Aviv Soloists Ensemble, The Israel Kibbutz Orchestra, Israel Sinfonietta orchestra of Beer-Sheva and many others.

Cohen's music has been performed at events including "ACL Asian Contemporary Music Festival" (2003/Japan, 2009/Korea, 2012/Israel, 2013/Singapore, 2016/Vietnam, 2018/Taiwan), ISCM, contemporary music festival (2006/Moscow Autumn, 2019/Estonia), "Aberdeen Music Prize" (2011), 34th Annual "Bowling Green New Music Festival" (2013), "Israeli Music Festival" (2004, 2012).

Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first

Instrumental Music

Three Glances For Viola Solo (2020)
Takriv for chamber ensemble (2020)
Darkness for cello, electric guitar, percussion and electronics (2020)
Mechanical Expressiveness For Flute & Alto Flute head joints and live electronics (2019)
Epistola de ignoto for amplified ensemble and fixed media (2019)
Absence of Yesterday For Flute, Clarinet, Cello and Piano & Fixed media (2018)

Soloist (Instrument or Voice) and Fixed Electronic Media

4 lines For Prepared amplified Snare Drum and fixed-media electronics (2019)
4 lines For Prepared amplified Snare Drum and fixed-media electronics (2019)
Absence of Yesterday For Flute, Clarinet, Cello and Piano & Fixed media (2018)
Darkness for cello, electric guitar, percussion and electronics (2020)
Epistola de ignoto for amplified ensemble and fixed media (2019)
Mechanical Expressiveness For Flute & Alto Flute head joints and live electronics (2019)
Takriv for chamber ensemble (2020)
Three Glances For Viola Solo (2020)
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