Silvia Berrone
Play all audio recordingsSilvia Berrone (b.1991) is an Italian contemporary music composer based in France.
Her approach is founded on the interest in all forms of sound and combines instrumental and vocal composition with the world of electronics. The composer's vision as a craftsperson and sculptor of sound is the basis of her constant search for a personal expressive language.
She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree at the CNSMD in Lyon in the class of Michele Tadini.
She is also composer in residence at the Collège Jean Moulin in Lyon to carry out a composition project for voice and ensemble for the school's students. The project is in collaboration with the CRR (Lyon Regional Conservatory) and is coordinated by the Centre de la Voix Rhône-Alpes.
She has also taken classes with Luca Antignani, Martin Matalon and François Roux.
Her experience at the CNSMDL allowed her to attend masterclasses and meetings with distinguished composers and instrumentalists, including Frédéric Durieux, Yan Maresz, Francesco Filidei, Francoise Kubler and many others.
She previously studied with Giorgio Colombo Taccani at the Conservatory of Turin, where she obtained the Diploma of First Level in Composition in 2020.
The decision to dedicate herself to composition matured during a course of musical studies begun in childhood, which also led her to obtain the Diploma of First Level in piano at the ISSM F.Vittadini of Pavia in 2016.
Her works have been performed in Italy and France by various ensembles and performers.
With the piece Polissage, she won the second prize of the International Competition for Harmony Orchestra of La Sirène de Paris. The piece has also been performed at the Pantheon in Paris and the score has been published by BabelScores.
Tinnitus, a chamber opera for female voice and electronics, was presented at the Teatro S.Girolamo in Lucca as part of the Puccini Chamber Opera Festival 2022 and Collapse, trio for piano, double bass and drums, was performed at the Philharmonie de Paris during the Tremplin de la Création 2022.
Vocal writing has always been a significant part of her production. Several of her compositions have been performed by Akiko Kozato, Maria Elena Romanazzi and Giulia Zaniboni. Her works have also been played, among the others, by Atelier XX-21 of CNSMDL conducted by Fabrice Pierre, Quartetto Maurice (Arctium Machina, Matera Intermedia 2020) and New Gates Trio (Ire, Sonic Postcards 2020) and some of her pieces have been broadcast by Rai Radio 3 Cultura.