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Results 8353 - 8448 of 8549
elaborate fingers possibly touch
(for ensamble and electronics)
12,00 €
Infini(s) silence(s)
Création le 29 avril 2016, à la Cité de...
12,00 €
dove il suono smette di esser suono
for prepared electric guitar and signal...
8,00 €
l'antitesi di ciò che appare
for amplified classical guitar (played...
7,00 €
frammenti di ingranaggi
for prepared and amplified classical...
5,00 €
Reconstructive Variations on Deep River
for mixed chamber ensemble
9,50 €
L'AMOUR DE LOIN / Love from afar
pour choeur a capella for chorus a...
11,00 €
Elogio de las cosas vacías
for flute, oboe, percussion, piano and...
11,00 €
a brief comment on the current state of insanity (Feb. 2017)
version for clarinet and viola
9,00 €
a brief comment on the current state of insanity (Feb. 2017)
version for clarinet and violin
9,00 €