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Results 5377 - 5472 of 8435
Opera in one act: The Harmfulness of Tobacco
for tenor and chamber orchestra
22,00 €
Oración en el huerto
for 12 string instruments on four poems...
12,36 €
Orpheus and the Cave II
For solo Trumpet, solo Oboe and two...
13,00 €
Os Circunvagantes (The Circumwanderers)
A sung pantomime in six scenes for...
22,00 €
Oscura raíz del sueño II
for baritone saxophone and percussion
10,30 €
pack the box (with five dozen of my liquor jugs)
for ensemble and electronics
12,36 €
Pajaro Contra el borde de la noche
for violoncello, ensemble and...
18,54 €