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4589 121005 133926_03 Ephemeron 2010 _sample
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Ephemeron- Sur la construction des Réalités

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Estimated Duration
6 - 10min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-0539-8

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Notes on this piece
Ephemeron (2008) – Sur la Construction de Réalités (2010)for applause and ecosystemic (trans)formations live electronics or 8 channel acousmaticImagine a music work like a live organism, where during each concert the work is born, it evolves, and it dies at the end of the concert. Imagine that the concert hall with the audience is each time the environment of this music organism. This music organism is fed from the sound of its environment through microphones while it feeds this environment with sound through the speakers. Music organism and environment are an interconnected and inseparable ecosystem.Ephemeron (2008) is an electroacoustic composition with adaptive behaviour over time. Significant characteristic of Ephemeron is that there is no pre-recorded material at any stage. The work emerges as a music organism from the interactions among space, software and user-performer. The initial material of the composition is the applause coming from the previous piece.  Sur la Construction de Réalités (2010) is an acousmatic composition for eight-speakers, based on the material of Ephemeron. The composition you are about to listen is using material from two organisms projected in two different environments and two different audience’s reactions (the concert hall of De Montfort University, UK and the Kubus of ZKM, Germany). The material of these live organisms was taken from the particular spatio-temporal situations in order to construct transferable realities in time and space. Now, there is no live organism any more. Here, you are in this place observing the history of another reality. You are experiencing the construction of a new reality surrounding you; the reality of your actual perception.
Score Details
Format - A4 / US letter
Pages - 8

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