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Restored Torch

for symphonic orchestra

17,00 €
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North America (Canada - USA)
Estimated Duration
11 - 15min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-6284-1

Notes on this piece

“Restored Torch” is an orchestral piece that pays a tribute to the renown symbol of freedom of the legendary Statue of Liberty in New York. I was particularly inspired by the story of the torch that is now displayed at the museum on the island. Torch is a symbol of enlightenment and freedom. In this difficult times of insecurity when we strive for freedom I came back into that piece composed in 2019 and musically I rebuilt it and “restored it” into the new version in 2022 for the premiere with Sofia Orchestra. Musically it is a journey of the motive of light and torch. The torch of the Statue of Liberty was in fact built in Paris, symbolically traveled many many miles, before it became the part of the Statue of Liberty (for nearly 100 years) and finally after damage was replaced by its replica, although recently it has just came back to the Museum of Liberty Island in 2019 (after the removal in 1984). It is put on view in the museum and entitled as the “ Restored Torch”.

After the visit to the museum I reflected on it in my own composition . Music might reassembly the restored idea of the symphonic poems from the past by using my modern compositional techniques. There is a big role of brasses, many metallic “colors”, pulses of time and the gestural “torch” motive that guides the explorations that begin the journey from the oboe. 

Flute (2)|Oboe (2)|Clarinet (2)|Bass clarinet|Bassoon (2)|Contrabassoon|Trumpet (3)|Trombone (3)|Percussions|Piano|Celesta|Violin (6)|Viola (5)|Horn (French Horn) (4)|Violin (5)|Cello (8)|Double bass (3)
Score Details
Format - Undefined
Pages - 60

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