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Results 961 - 1056 of 1239
Chamber Ensemble (5 - 9 instruments)
Play audio recordings of these piecesDeriva, in margine ad una lontananza, dimentica
per flauto, clarinetto basso,...
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de la terre... à la terre
pour flûte, hautbois, clarinette en...
7,52 €
per oboe solista, 4 fiati e 3 archi
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Das Ende eines Wintermärchens
part III of cycle I from synthetic...
9,79 €
Dances of the Lights I
Sunghyun Lee - Dances of the Lights I...
9,79 €
coupures de temps...
für Flöte, Klarinette, Violine, Viola,...
11,33 €
Cortege des belles tenebreuses au jardin boreal
per 6 esecutori
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Concerto [pianoforte et 7 instr.]
per pianoforte e 7 strumenti
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Concerto [contrabasso]
per contrabbasso, strumenti e carillons
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Concerto per pianoforte, archi e percussione
per pianoforte, archi e percussione
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Concerning articulated sound energy
for flute, clarinet, percussion,violin,...
9,79 €
Con tardo vuelo y canto, del oído mal
Para ensamble de 6 instrumentos y...
7,30 €
colours are like memories of other colours
for string octet with sound-file...
11,33 €