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Rifrazioni Notturne

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Estimated Duration
11 - 15min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-0022-5

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Notes on this piece
The piece is inspired by Novalis "HYMNEN AN DIE NACHT" (1800).
The generating idea of the composition is concentrated on concept of “transition”, “passage”.
In the Italian language the word “twilight” identifies the sunset univocally, on the contrary in the German language the word “Dämmerung” is just the “light and shade”, that is the moment of transition.
Moroever, it is important to emphasize that the word “Dämmer” means embankment, threshold, limit, too.
The piece lives of particular contrasts, of embankments that have to be crossed, in which shape and fragments are being perceived thanks to the construction and agglomeration of their same harmonic / disharmonic profiles, through an essential temporal space.
It is a “dance of essences”, of lines that intersect each other, of sonorities that stand out hazy in delicate games of light/ shade, of figurative shapes that chase each other, overlap until they get mixed up.
The extreme critically and volatility of the twilight make it a state of transit, which opens the passage, in its turn, between what precedes it to what follows it. In this principle the development of the work is taking shape progressively, a continuous filtration of elements, of intense and sudden fixations put in movement.
The big affinity of the just explained concepts allowed me to work on more fronts.
On the macroformal level the piece is composed by only one arc described from the beginning to the end, through which works a continuous transition with a central, firm and hypnotic junction, on the contrary, in its embryo germinate, flourish and change into “microstructures”, in which every element, every sonorous matter is being worked out according to a gradual process of timbric – harmonic “scattering”, like reaching a “Dämmerung”, but from the inside, and in which more events, more sonorities…more opposite shines overlap each other.
“Rifrazioni notturne” has been conceived and composed in the spring 2008 and revised in 2010.
The piece was performed by Rahel Maria Rilling (Violine), Álvaro Parra (Violine), Sara Maria Rilling (Viola) und Christopher Jepson (Violoncello) at the Berlin-Senatsreservenspeicher in June 2010.

Violin (2)|Viola|Cello
Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 13

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