Ubú Candidato para Baritono
ISMN : 979-0-2325-2127-5
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"Ubú Candidato" is a piece of musical theater, in whichdramatic and expressiveskills of thesinger are veryimportantforthecorrectinterpretation of thetext. Theunderstanding of thetext and itscontent, as well as thepersonality and attitudes of thecharacter, are then vital toachieve a clear and successfulrealization.
As means of guidance, it'sworthwhilenotingthatthe role isinspiredby and makesdirectreferencetothemaincharacter of "King Ubu" by Alfred Jarry, whichisalreadyanartisticstereotype. Thedramatic link tosuchcharactersuggests a grotesque, self- indulgent, vain and narcissistic leader. Hisleadershipisarrogant and imposing, hisspeechis false and demagogic and hismovements and gestureschangingfrom false tenderness and empathytopride and arrogance.
Withinthecontext of thepiece, theremust be alwaysanambiguitybetweentworealitiesthatthecharacterrepresents: Thepresentation of a singer in a musical contest and a politiciangiving a publicspeechtryingtoconvincecitizensto vote forhim.
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