Dimitri Papageorgiou

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Dimitri Papageorgiou was born in Thessaloniki in 1965. He majored in composition with Hermann Markus Pressl and Andreij Dobrowolski at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts at Graz in Austria. From 1998-2002 he held a Presidential Fellowship of the University of Iowa, U.S.A., for a Ph.D. in Composition with Donald Martin Jenni, Jeremy Dale Roberts, and David Karl Gompper. Since 2007, he is appointed as assistant professor of composition at the Department of Music Studies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

His works have been aired several times by the ÖRF (Austria), the Greek National Radio (3rd Program and 95.8), and several U.S. Radio Stations. He has appeared in festivals and conferences in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Russia, Greece, Cyrpus, Croatia and several States of the U.S.A. (NY, CA, IL, OH, IA, FL).

He has received commissions by several institutions and ensembles, such as SCI/ASCAP (U.S.A.),Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics of the University of Music and Drama at Graz, Austrian National Radio and Literature Forum Graz, Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Ensemble Interface (Germany),Zeitfluss Ensemble (Austria), UMS & JIP (Switzerland), Trio IAMA (Greece), Ensemble Etcetera (USA), etc.

In 2008 he was composer-in-residence at the festival 4020.mehr als Musik Linz and in 2006 the Minoritensaal Graz programed Papageorgiou’s composer’s portrait. In summer 2012, his work “Effluences” has been heard at the 46th International Summer Course for New Music Darmstadt and in March 2013 Klangforum Vienna performed his work In the Vestige of the Present at the Vienna Konzerthaus.

He appeared in the discography in 2005 with the CD “Musing” by Capstone Records, NY, featuring his work “…d’ogne luce muto“. In 2009 his work “In the Vestige of the Present” appeared on the CD “Present Perfect, Vol. 1” by Trio IAMA, which was released by Dissonarnce Records.

He is the co-founder of the dissonart ensemble the first non-state sponsorded new music ensemble in Greece.
Piezas ordenadas por año. Los trabajos mas recientes aparecen primero

Instrumento Solo

Debout II sliding submissively in to the lake of memories (2022)
ETUDE in Quarter Tones for piccolo flute (2016)
...anD… commissioned by Dimitrios Polisoidis (2012)
…d’ogne luce muto (2002)
Tasten (1997)

Cuarteto de Cuerdas

String Quartet for string quartet (2016)
Quasi (ébauche) for string quartet. Commissioned by the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics of the University of Music and Drama at Graz within the framework of the research project "Patterns of Intuition" (2014)

Instrumento y Electrónica

No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue for the molecular organ by Constantin Luser, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 1 tuba (2016)

Grupo de Cámara ( 2 - 4 instrumentos )

Intrascalings for clarinet, marimba, and double bass (2016)
String Quartet for string quartet (2016)
Even the sky, screams sometimes too for alto block flute and bayan (2015)
Dafir for flute and piano (2014)
Quasi (ébauche) for string quartet. Commissioned by the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics of the University of Music and Drama at Graz within the framework of the research project "Patterns of Intuition" (2014)
In the Vestige of the Present commissioned by Trio IAMA (2008)
Trivalent for violin, violoncello and piano (2005)
Schweigeminute for viola and piano (2004)
Nuit for clarinet, viola, and piano (1999)

Ensamble (10 - 19 instrumentos)

Translucent Currents in her Darkness for chamber ensemble (2014)
Enlaceeis (2010)
Iriai no kane for ensemble (2007)
Everness for ensemble (2006)
For Hermann Markus (2002)

Voz solo y acompañamiento

Unending are the Mazes it Engenders (2013)

Ensamble de Cámara (5 - 9 instrumentos)

No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue for the molecular organ by Constantin Luser, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 1 tuba (2016)
In Pulses, in Strokes … (2012)
Effluénces (2011)
...anD… commissioned by Dimitrios Polisoidis (2012)
Dafir for flute and piano (2014)
Debout II sliding submissively in to the lake of memories (2022)
Effluénces (2011)
Enlaceeis (2010)
ETUDE in Quarter Tones for piccolo flute (2016)
Even the sky, screams sometimes too for alto block flute and bayan (2015)
Everness for ensemble (2006)
For Hermann Markus (2002)
In Pulses, in Strokes … (2012)
In the Vestige of the Present commissioned by Trio IAMA (2008)
Intrascalings for clarinet, marimba, and double bass (2016)
Iriai no kane for ensemble (2007)
No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue for the molecular organ by Constantin Luser, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 1 tuba (2016)
Nuit for clarinet, viola, and piano (1999)
Quasi (ébauche) for string quartet. Commissioned by the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics of the University of Music and Drama at Graz within the framework of the research project "Patterns of Intuition" (2014)
Schweigeminute for viola and piano (2004)
String Quartet for string quartet (2016)
Tasten (1997)
Translucent Currents in her Darkness for chamber ensemble (2014)
Trivalent for violin, violoncello and piano (2005)
Unending are the Mazes it Engenders (2013)
…d’ogne luce muto (2002)
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