Simone Corti

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No diligenciado
Piezas ordenadas por año. Los trabajos mas recientes aparecen primero

Cuarteto de Cuerdas

Vertical lights on lost bodies for string quartet (2023)

Música Instrumental

Spazio conteso per 3 viole (2021)
Songs from the trunk for alto sax, kaosspad KP3+ and snare drum (2021)
Compendium for piano (2020)
Héxis II for orchestra (2019)
Tubi for ensemble of 12 instruments (2019)
Poème névrotique Hommage à Skrjabin (2019)
Studio per pianoforte (2017)
Musica discreta for violin, cello and piano (2016)
Tre for oboe, accordion and percussion (2015)

Grupo de Cámara ( 2 - 4 instrumentos )

Vertical lights on lost bodies for string quartet (2023)
Songs from the trunk for alto sax, kaosspad KP3+ and snare drum (2021)
Musica discreta for violin, cello and piano (2016)
Tre for oboe, accordion and percussion (2015)

Ensamble Vocal

Purtroppo 5 madrigals for 6 voices (2020)

Música Orquestal

Héxis II for orchestra (2019)

Ensamble (10 - 19 instrumentos)

Tubi for ensemble of 12 instruments (2019)

Ensamble de Cámara (5 - 9 instrumentos)

Poème névrotique Hommage à Skrjabin (2019)

Voces e Instrumentos

Prima persona plurale for solo soprano, group of children and ensemble (2018)

Instrumento Solo

Studio per pianoforte (2017)

#32 Transcription of the 32nd variation from "33 Variations on a waltz by Diabelli" - L.V. Beethoven (2016)
Compendium for piano (2020)
Héxis II for orchestra (2019)
Musica discreta for violin, cello and piano (2016)
Poème névrotique Hommage à Skrjabin (2019)
Prima persona plurale for solo soprano, group of children and ensemble (2018)
Purtroppo 5 madrigals for 6 voices (2020)
Songs from the trunk for alto sax, kaosspad KP3+ and snare drum (2021)
Spazio conteso per 3 viole (2021)
Studio per pianoforte (2017)
Tre for oboe, accordion and percussion (2015)
Tubi for ensemble of 12 instruments (2019)
Vertical lights on lost bodies for string quartet (2023)
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