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Resultados 3745 - 3840 de 8555
(Re)Visiting the Land of (Un)Known
for clarinet in B flat, violin, and...
9,00 €
What The Wind Will Do When You Aren't Looking for a Thousand Years
for soprano, tenor, and prepared piano
12,36 €
The Fire That Covers the Prayer of Fair Weather
For 32 Percussionists
9,79 €
the interference of forces from the beyond...
for prepared guitar
5,15 €
manufacturers; things that are made to be broken
for improvising ensemble of at least 4...
16,48 €
en mi caminar en el desierto
for chamber orchestra + off-stage...
17,51 €
Bestiario: tres
for electric guitar, percussion, and...
14,42 €
La sombra de la sombra de un objeto aún no encontrado
for prepared string quartet and...
9,27 €
cosa verde para descansar los ojos
for percussion quartet, sound...
8,24 €
A Night of Music in the Uncanny Valley, Part II
for ensemble & electronics
9,79 €
Las venas abiertas de América Latina
for violin and string orchestra
12,36 €
Diário das Narrativas Fantásticas
for chamber orchestra
23,18 €
The Veneer Melts
For Two Amplified Violins and Fixed...
12,36 €
Pregunta no.3: Fonón
for violin, mezzo-soprano, crystal...
12,36 €
Tinta Roja, Tinta Negra/Red Ink, Black Ink
arrangement for open instrumention (5...
14,42 €
Das blut von Tristan und Isolde mit Einleitung
Acousmatic piece
11,33 €
Maria and the Ferryman (Maria on her way from Hungary)
for Clarinet and Piano
7,52 €
The clouds are red & The little rooster crowed
for Clarinet and Piano
7,52 €