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Results 4321 - 4416 of 8542
he moon lost her name
for Flute, Clarinet, Piano, Violin and...
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A hybrid cat hip symposium
for Flute, Accordion and Piano
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Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop
for Flute and Guitar
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an air oscillates the earth bells for three days
for two guitars tuned a quarter-tone...
10,00 €
Semantic corruptions
For flute - clarinet - violin - viola -...
9,79 €
de rerum natura I “el leñador”
for amplified string quartet + video
9,27 €
Mechanical Expressiveness
For Flute & Alto Flute head joints and...
9,27 €
Anche questo è silenzio
per ensemble e live electronics
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Frammenti senza cornice
per ensemble e live electronics
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Meccanica della solitudine
per sassofono baritono solista,...
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Meccanica dei riflessi ovvero dell'amore (Valdrada)
per orchestra
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per orchestra e elettronica
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Deriva, in margine ad una lontananza, dimentica
per flauto, clarinetto basso,...
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JABBERWOCKY (Alice nel paese delle meraviglie)
Opera in un atto. Libretto di Oreste...
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per orchestra e soprano, su un testo di...
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