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Resultados 6049 - 6144 de 8555
Dels dos principis
for ensemble and electronics
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Il faut d'abord que je le danse
for violin and ensemble
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La Chute de Lucifer
for trombone and orchestra
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La glace s etoile senchaine
for flute and harp
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Camiño y danza
for baritone saxophone and accordion
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Mille ans sans vieillir
for cello and saxophone
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Pour ne pas laisser le bonheur en paix
for flute and two guitars
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No ténor tech out
for tenor saxophone and electronics
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for female voice, flute in G and...
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Le détour permet le retour
Five movements for string quartet,...
11,33 €
...but their stillness showed plainly... (version for string quartet)
for string quartet
9,27 €
Nun Zirade (version pour clarinette basse)
pour clarinette basse
7,21 €
L'enfer musical d'Alejandra Pizarnik
pour trois chanteuses et trois...
26,78 €
The Fury of Nature I for violin & live electronic
For violin and live electronics
15,45 €
La nuit cyclique au jardin de Ts'ui Pên
For saxophone & live electronics.
15,00 €
Le Rossignol et l'Empereur de Chine
Conte musical pour flûte, harpe et...
12,36 €
Variationen über das thema B.A.C.H
Gravitation V for soprano sax and viola.
11,33 €
The sea isn't rising, the ground is sinking
for Soprano, saxophone, piano,...
9,27 €
Third Station, 1960
for bass flute, accordion & trombone
9,27 €
At dawn I chant my own weird hymn
for solo offstage trumpet, symphonic...
14,42 €