Terni Psalmi: No.1 Domine, non est exaltatum
for children's choir
Terni Psalmi: No.2 Quam dilecta tabernacula tua
for children's choir
Terror en el espacio
for electric trio and astronauts...
Terzo concerto
per pianoforte e 14 strumenti
Terzo estratto
per pianoforte e otto strumenti
Tétramorphes [Revelo I]
spectacle installation pour voix...
Textures Turbulentes et Formes Emergentes
for string quartet
Scena lirica dal Combattimento di...
The Art of Destruction
Fluxus Score for String Orchestra
The Atrocity Exhibition
for violin, cello and piano (2007)
The August Sleepwalker
for two violoncelli and two contrabassi
The beginning and the end of the snow
An epic song cycle for soprano and...
The Best Classical Piano Pieces Of All Times
From the "ReCoding Cloud" cycle
The Bitterness of Absence Sour
For Bb clarinet and fixed media
the blue and the dim and the dark
for Double String Quartet
concerto for extended piano and chamber...
(chamber opera after the Tale of Hans...
The Children's Journey
(Five Piano Pieces from The Little...
The clouds are red & The little rooster crowed
for Clarinet and Piano
The Consequent Being
for E-guitar, trumpet, trombone, cello,...
The Crystal Cabinet
Sei miniature per viola e pianoforte
The dark side of nostalgia
Pour orchestre et quatuor de saxophones
The Distorted Reminiscences of a Guardian
for orchestra
The Double C Project
for saxophone, harp, accordion and...
The Dream of a Man in Qi State
incidental music for the eponymous video
the dreams of imagined homelands
for symphony Orchestra