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Resultados 1 - 96 de 191
La Selva Virgen, En La Selva Oscura
prologue and interludes to Das Lied von...
18,00 €
Textures Turbulentes et Formes Emergentes
for string quartet
11,33 €
Amplification Propagation III b
per violino, viola, violoncello e...
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Æstvarivm (III notes from Salalah)
for orchestra
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Exquise esquisse saxophonique/Èlectrique
for tenor saxophone and computer
7,21 €
Tétramorphes [Revelo I]
spectacle installation pour voix...
22,00 €
If there was a quality of very strong electrical light
for e-guitar, objects and electronics
9,00 €
Trois manifestes
pour trois groupes instrumentaux et...
17,51 €
Trio en cinq mouvements
for violin, violoncello and piano
10,30 €