for guitar and live electronics
15,45 €
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Versión impresa (+14,80 € impresión y envío). Colissimo7-14 days aprox.
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North America (Canada - USA)
Estimated Duration
11 - 15min
ISMN : 979-0-2325-4518-9
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Descripción Shikantaza is the tenth in a series of works for instrument and live electronics. The guitar is tuned in just intonation and makes extensive use of a metal slide. The lowest two strings are tuned in unison and one is detuned throughout the piece to create beating patterns ("organic" accellerandi and rallentandi). The electronics feature a combination of real time additive synthesis, "moving blocks" loops, pitch shifting, and delays.
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Acoustic Guitar|Real-time electronics
Performed by Federico Bonacossa
Score Details
Format - Undefined
Pages - 14
Pages - 14