The Mirrors of Uqbar
for bass viol and electronics
12,36 €
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Versión impresa (+14,80 € impresión y envío). Colissimo7-14 days aprox.
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Estimated Duration
6 - 10min
ISMN : 979-0-2325-4910-1
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Descripción “The Mirrors of Uqbar” is a piece based on the metaphor of mirrors found in the short story “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” by Jorge Luis Borges. In this story, Uqbar was a fictional society where mirrors were feared in an allegory to hyperrealism, aka. a simulation that takes over reality. In the piece “The Mirrors of Uqbar”, the electronics reflect and modify the melodic acoustic materials creating a progressively independent world.
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Viola da gamba
Recorded by Kivie Cahn-Lipman from Science Ficta Ensemble
Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 14
Pages - 14