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13,39 €
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Versión impresa (+14,80 € impresión y envío). Colissimo7-14 days aprox.

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Estimated Duration
11 - 15min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-0922-8

In Stock
HU is from the Kabbala, meaning Who (not as a question but as an unnameable) in the sense of HU is the creator of the World, AH-HI is ancient Chinese (or something similar) from The Book of Dzyan meaning the Conciousnesses ie the collected aggregate of [all] conciousnesses within the universe, therefore comprising this. In a sense if HU is a question then AH-HI is an answer.This piece uses a numerological-mathematical system based on Hebrew letters from The Prayer of Elijah used mainly for rhythm : pitch parameters and a modal system from the ancient Greek perfect system for the harmonic structures set up using a pyramidal form as basis for interconnection. The electronic part is based upon the resulting pieces sectional developments and as a radical re-interpretation of the whole. Tuning A to 433.366Hz is based upon the Herz value acquired for this pitch from the frequency produced by a pipe with the length of one cubit (placed at d[D3]) the ancient traditional Sun RA tone, possible to attain with modern flutes. The piece is conceived as one long expression of wholeness consisting of many smaller parts, mini-melodies contrasted with extended techniques including breath-noise and multiphonic colours, the potential of the musical material is explored at some times with an introvert attitude and in other passages the flute expresses unreservedly its essential nature. This work for solo flute includes many tonal colours and changes for contemporary flute techniques which have been used to underline as well as contrast the progression of the work. A meditative work based upon the result in what is termed reality.
Score Details
Format - A4 / US lette
Pages - 8

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