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Unter der Kuppel hervor
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Unter der kuppel hervor

For Chamber Ensemble

9,79 €
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Versión impresa (+14,80 € impresión y envío). Colissimo7-14 days aprox.

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Estimated Duration
6 - 10min

ISMN : 979-0-2325-0502-2

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On a commission of “Young Euro Classic” festival in 2009 The impact for this piece came from the imagine scene where I visualized  myself in the center of the church right under the dome. I found it very interesting to put two eventual plans simultaneously. One of them is the inner hearing – listening of the inner voice, running of thoughts with the attempt to let the silence come through and make possible to hear the truth sound. The other is the outer hearing – all sounds that come from the special acoustical conditions made by dome. Almost the same way as sounds of gong appears. This metaphorical idea is the constructive idea at the same time. The sound impact is immediately being reflected and makes its life through the chain of transformations. As well as the word doesn’t disappear at all, but can exist in the other dimension. At the same time sounds are scatterd under the dome, their circle motion being imitated in instruments, as well as the inner thoughts are «walking around». German version:Als    Anlass für dieses neue Werk diente mir die Situation, in de rich mich unter dem Gewölbe eines Tempels vorgestellt habe – in der Mitte, gerade unter der Kuppel. Mir schien es interessan, zwei Sujetebenen metaphorisch wiederzugeben. Das “Reinhören” in den Lauf eigener Gedanken, der Versuch, den Raum für die Stille aufzuräumen, die eigene Stimme oder mit anderen Worten den Sound innerhalb sich selbst zu vernehmen, bildet die innere Ebene – die inneren Ereignisse. Zu den äu?erlichen Ereignissen gehören die Töne, die ringsum entstehen, unter den bestimmten Raumbedingungen, das hei?t “unter der Kuppel hervor”. Die Kuppel verdoppelt gleichsam das Tönen, verleicht ihm einen gewissen räumlichen Charakter. Dabei geschieht eine imitierende Kreisbewegung, die Töne warden gemä? der Kuppelkontur zestreut – ähnlich dem, wie die Gedanken “im Kreis gehen”. First performance – 2009, Konzerthaus, BerlinInternational Ensemble Modern Academy and Studio for New Music (Moscow), Conductor - Scott VOYLES
Flute|Oboe|Clarinet|Percussions|Piano|Violin|Violin (2)|Viola |Cello
International Ensemble Modern Academy Studio for New Music (Moscow) Scott VOYLES - conductor
Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 48

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