Grupo de Cámara ( 2 - 4 instrumentos )
Play audio recordings of these piecesI Cimbri e il Verruca
melologo dall’omonimo poema (1867) di...
someone will remember us
for e-guitar, cello, bass clarinet and...
If there was a quality of very strong electrical light
for e-guitar, objects and electronics
if at first it sounded like rain
for clarinet, e-guitar and electronics
if at first it sounded like rain
for clarinet, e-guitar and electronics
plastic pain perception
for electric guitar, accodeon and...
Synthetic yellow trip
duo for e-guitar, trombone and...
Zweier Lasterkatalog
(2017, op. 37) Catalogue of Mutual...
in which the low-hanging fruit is casually derailed
(2018, op. 43) for amplified concert...
Grandissima zupiera di strepito armonico
per pianoforte e marimba (e un gong)
Glaciers, soleils d’argent, flots nacreux, cieux de braises
[Dittico Rimbauld nº 1] per flauto,...
La tempête a béni mes éveils maritimes
[Dittico Rimbauld nº 2] per flauto,...
The Crystal Cabinet
Sei miniature per viola e pianoforte
Que fará na alta praia em que o mar é o tempo?
per flauto e violoncello
a self-portrait for Clarinet,...
Turandot's Recueillement
for Guitar Quartet with Two Mandolins...
Auf der Weltbühne
for Piccolo flute, Accordion and Double...
Piano inclinato sul lato dell'abisso
for alto flute, violin and guitar
Piano e spazio oltre il limite metafisico
for alto flute, harp, violin and cello
waren wir, sind wir, werden
for mezzo-soprano, cello and piano
reflections of quiet things
for bass flute, bass clarinet and...
Bellezza Celata
Impressioni da “O quam pulchra es” di...
Ce que l'arbre tait de lui-même
for piano, guitar, cello and zarb
Prélude et Trois mouvements perpétuels
easy piece for piano 8 hands - pièce...
Three Pieces for Violin and Piano
(from "The Children's Journey")
Quartet de corda núm. 3, «Forma infinita»
For two violins, viola, and cello
segon quartet de corda
For two violins, viola, and cello
per ser plagat de ta dolça ferida
For baritone voice, bass clarinet, C...
Magistri Mei: Beethoven - Raum
3 miniatures for french horn, Bb...
Standing for/by
For violin, piano, alto saxophone and...
Teledescante nº2 (Там, вдали за рекой)
per trio di chitarre
Teledescante nº1B (cesset jam manus tua)
for flute/piccolo, viola, clarinet and...
Cinco escenas sobre el Guadalquivir
Pieza para dúo de clarinete bajo y...
Point of Tranquility
For flute, bass clarinet, violin and...
Fragment av en bruten ordning
Fragments of a broken order for...
BURSZTYN VI: Minimaquina IIIa
For prepared saxophones & accordion
BURSZTYN II: Minimaquina I
For prepared alto flute, saxophones,...