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Resultados 1537 - 1632 de 1939
Grupo de Cámara ( 2 - 4 instrumentos )
Play audio recordings of these piecesSongs from the trunk
for alto sax, kaosspad KP3+ and snare...
10,30 €
Songs of Immigrants
for string quartet and documentary...
14,42 €
soy todo lo que vuela
for saxophone quartet and electronics
11,00 €
Standing for/by
For violin, piano, alto saxophone and...
9,00 €
for baritone saxophone, percussion,...
10,00 €
Stilisierung, mit explosions
for contrabass clarinet, percussion,...
10,30 €
String Quartet No.4 (Imaginal Listening)
for string quartet
10,00 €
Studier i tonens vibration
Studies in the Vibration of Tone
10,00 €
studies in intimacy II: the deep mirror
for violin and acoustic guitar
10,00 €
Study for Motion and Resonance II
for Two Pianos and Electronics
9,00 €
Sudario sin rostro
Sudario sin rostro Cuarteto de cuerdas...
11,33 €
sur les doigts d'une main
pour cymbalum, alto et clarinette basse
9,00 €
Surveiller et Punir
for violin, violoncello and accordion
9,27 €