Música Instrumental
Play audio recordings of these piecesPerpetuum mobile (dal balletto We like Mozart) A
(Versione A) per orchestra
Peristatiko 5663a elifthi III
for male voice and recorder
per ser plagat de ta dolça ferida
For baritone voice, bass clarinet, C...
Pensieri d'autori dell'eterno silenzio
based on a text from Bible and from...
Pèlerinage Fantastique
'Fantastic Pilgrimage' for prepared...
Paysage frontière
for Bb clarinet Commissioned by Vince...
Passacaglia Galante
pour mandoline, clavecin, viole de...
Partita 1 for cello
Partita 1, from Tríptico Partita For...
Paris wind behind me...
Work written thanks to the support of...
Parcours et images
3 mouvements pour piano et orchestre
Paradox Céleste
for Flute, Soprano, Bird Call Whistles...
Paradise (digital pink flamingos within dark mooned dreams)
to Nicolas Crosse
Palinodia: tres desdecires
For two pianos or piano four hands
Paean: "earth's crammed with heaven"
for chamber orchestra
per orchestra da camera
Double concerto for marimba, piano and...
per due ensemble e percussioni
Oscura raíz del sueño II
for baritone saxophone and percussion
pour clarinette principale en sib et...
Orpheus and the Cave II
For solo Trumpet, solo Oboe and two...
Pour violon, violoncelle, contrebasse,...
Ora non è più dolce come prima
per orchestra
On Western Terror 8
Concerto for Taiko Ensemble, Percussion...
on the chances of María Palitos appearing in sight
for flute, bass clarinet, bassoon +...
Ombres Lumineuses
for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and...
Omaggio a Marinetti
for soprano, two guitars, and percussion
Oltre il deserto spazio
per flauto, clarinetto, violino,...
Old Age, Adolescence, and Infancy
For Bass Clarinet, Cello, and Electric...