Música Instrumental
Play audio recordings of these piecesMeditation and Calligraphy
for solo amplified bass flute
Mechanical principles
for flute, piano, violin and cello
Mechanical Expressiveness
For Flute & Alto Flute head joints and...
Meccanica della solitudine
per sassofono baritono solista,...
Meccanica dei riflessi ovvero dell'amore (Valdrada)
per orchestra
Matrem magnificat
per voce recitante, voce femminile,...
Marble smooth by flowing waters grown
per violoncello e piano
Manuale d esorcismo
per coro misto e orchestra
per percussioni, arpa, pianoforte e...
Magistri Mei: Beethoven - Raum
3 miniatures for french horn, Bb...
Lyrical Passages II
Lyrical Passages II for Violin and...
Lyric Pieces (with Barcarolle)
Violin, Clarinet, 'Cello and PIano
per ensemble, tre gruppi di bambini e...
LSD - Lovers Seeing Darkness
for ensemble (with piano as soloist)
love the sounds, which sounds, as it sounds
for Oud & 2 Guitars
Loukanikos, vie et mort d'un chien rebelle
pour Tuba et Percussions
Louis Bona in a day of indecision
for amplified ensemble (6)...
Los unos en uno y el uno
Los unos en uno y el uno - for five...
Los tiempos del alma
for flute, cello and optional video.
Lorca Fragments
for flute, clarinet, viola, cello and...
London; med inslag av skönhet
For Clarinet in Bb, Violin, Viola and...
London, med inslag av skönhet
for clarinet in Bb, violin, viola and...
Locked down / Locked in
For bass flute, flute, and air flute....
Lo strappo nel cielo di carta
per cinque strumentisti
Little Red Riding Hood
pour 2 accordéons, voix récitant et...
Little Mass No. 2
for tenor saxophone, accordion and cello
Litanie briganti
per ensemble di fiati e pianoforte
Listen, my dearest, hear the sweet night march
after a Poem by C. Baudelaire
Líofa (Flowing)
for flute, cor anglais, bass clarinet,...
Limbs / Uttered / Spirits / Neglected / Flesh
for chamber group and accoutrements
Like we`ve met before...
for Sopranino/Alto Recorders &...
Light through echoing leaves, III
(8-minute version) for piano solo
Light through echoing leaves, II
(13-minute version) for piano solo
Light through echoing leaves, I
(Full 16-minute version) for piano solo
Light cloud, dark cloud. D apres Rothko
per clarinetto e orchestra