Música Instrumental
Play audio recordings of these piecesIntroduction, Improvisation et Chasse
pour Cor, Trompette et Trombone
Introduction et diapo
pour clarinette en mib et en la,...
Into these worldless houses
(2019-2020, op. 50) for sextet fl. /...
for two baroque violins, baroque viola,...
Interno metafisico. D apres De Chirico
per orchestra d archi
per 14 fiati e pianoforte preparato
Interieur rouge
per ottavino, clarinetto, violino,...
Instantes nulos
final de otra partida (para trombón,...
Inside The Twisted Mind of The Mr. Sophistication
For Piano, Electric Guitar,...
Inscriptions sur une peinture
for chamber orchestra
Inmanencia IIb
per sassofono basso / for Bass Saxophone
ingest thrice; as prescribed
concerto for alto saxophone and chamber...
Ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing into
for violin, viola, and electronics
Informel 1
per percussione e strumenti a tastiera
Infini(s) silence(s)
Création le 29 avril 2016, à la Cité de...
Incontro Concertante
'Concertante Encounter' for prepared...
Incompatible(s) VI
for bass clarinet, violin, cello and a...
In wind, water and waiting
Dedicated to Heather Roche and Eva...
in which the low-hanging fruit is casually derailed
(2018, op. 43) for amplified concert...
In the red fire of passion
For Mezzo-Soprano, Alto Flute and...
In the beginning
for saxophone, accordion and double bass
In Pursuit of True Happiness
Commission by the Talea...
In Memoriam Jean-Claude Risset
To be performed with the BabelBox
In cerchi concentrici
per tromba e orchestra
In between
for Flute, oboe, Clarinet, violin,...
In a blink of a night
per chitarra elettrica solista e...
Sextuor à cordes (deuxième version)
Improvvisi silenzi di conchiglia
per ensemble
improvisation II
une partition comme un paysage, score...
Improvisation #1
pour clarinette en Si b, alto, piano et...
Impresiones del rio de la Plata
musiques inspirées des formes de danses...
Impresiones de sosiego y espanto
for a single percussionist
Immobile n.2
per armonica a bocca e 12 archi
Immagine sonora di Tarab
for tenor saxophone and percussion
Imaginis umbra est
lacrimis turbauit aquas, obscuraque...
Il trionfo del tempo e del disinganno
per pianoforte e orchestra
Il sogno di Leporello ( Parade 2)
per orchestra
Il ruvido dettaglio celebrato da aby warburg
per cinque esecutori
per orchestra da camera
Il faut d'abord que je le danse
for violin and ensemble
Il dubbio della marionetta
per cinque strumenti
If there was a quality of very strong electrical light
for e-guitar, objects and electronics
if objects are not solid
for bass clarinet and electronics
if at first it sounded like rain
for clarinet, e-guitar and electronics
if at first it sounded like rain
for clarinet, e-guitar and electronics