Trace lumineuse III
10,30 €
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Estimated Duration
11 - 15min
ISMN : 979-0-2325-0206-9
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Descripción "Trace lumineuse III" trois mouvements (attaca) pour fagott et contrebasse is an immanent part of a large-scale, multipart work-complex which takes its maximal extension in the piece "des traces lumineuses" for bassoon, string trio, double bass and piano. As well as extractions for bassoon with live-electronics ("trace lumineuse I") and for bassoon and double bass („trace lumineuse II"), "trace lumineuse III" is derived from this superordinate bundel of traces (liasse des traces).
The hierarchies thereby inevitably emerging, the (inter-)dependeces, as well as the idea of a polyphonic coexistance and interrelation of independant (soloistic) voices (such as in "Einklang freier Wesen" – accordance of free beings – Georg Friedrich Haas), also the relation between developmental processes which are both individually and collectively comprehensible, and furthermore the necessity to build an over-all context allowing the omission or redrafting of certain elements from the extractions being integral for the work as a whole – all these thoughts came into mind as central aspects for any structural-compositional considerations.
Horizontal cohesion endows an allying timeline which is valid for all "traces" in regard of the proportions of the formal parts, the metrical aspects and the tempi. Vertical cohesion is endowed by the overtone series which is serving as the harmonic pattern – subdued by the gravitation of permanently changing fundamentals, all is generated from a triadic code, variable in certain parametres, which can be continuatively used to develop concatenations of indeterminated length and direction.
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The hierarchies thereby inevitably emerging, the (inter-)dependeces, as well as the idea of a polyphonic coexistance and interrelation of independant (soloistic) voices (such as in "Einklang freier Wesen" – accordance of free beings – Georg Friedrich Haas), also the relation between developmental processes which are both individually and collectively comprehensible, and furthermore the necessity to build an over-all context allowing the omission or redrafting of certain elements from the extractions being integral for the work as a whole – all these thoughts came into mind as central aspects for any structural-compositional considerations.
Horizontal cohesion endows an allying timeline which is valid for all "traces" in regard of the proportions of the formal parts, the metrical aspects and the tempi. Vertical cohesion is endowed by the overtone series which is serving as the harmonic pattern – subdued by the gravitation of permanently changing fundamentals, all is generated from a triadic code, variable in certain parametres, which can be continuatively used to develop concatenations of indeterminated length and direction.
Pascal Gallois – bassoon
Eric-Maria Couturier – violoncello
Nicolas Hodges - piano
Eric-Maria Couturier – violoncello
Nicolas Hodges - piano
Score Details
Format - A4 / US Letter
Pages - 36
Pages - 36