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Resultados 865 - 960 de 8510
D'apres des ouvres de Turner, Monet,...
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Toda la mañana ha hablado el viento.b
Toda la mañana ha hablado el viento.b...
9,00 €
Toda la mañana ha hablado el viento
Tout le matin le vent a parlé pour...
9,00 €
Toc Toc Toc
for narrator, ensemble and electronics
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To Touch is to Feel Oneself Being Touched
for chamber ensemble + electronics
12,00 €
To Stop the Theft of Your Identity, Call
for solo violin
7,00 €
TitU (ou «le fils de la lune»)
11,33 €
TitU ( ou "le fils de la lune")
pour narrateur, deux percussionnistes...
24,72 €
Tinta Roja, Tinta Negra/Red Ink, Black Ink
arrangement for open instrumention (5...
14,42 €
Times like that
per voce di soprano e orchestra su...
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Time is the substance I am made of
for 32 singers and electronics
11,00 €
Time and Tide : in memoriam Armando Lucchesi
per flauto alto e tre percussionisti
9,50 €
Timbral Effect
pedagogic work for violin, cello, tuba...
7,30 €
Till I end my song
per percussioni e ensemble
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4 madrigals for 16 solo voices on poems...
11,33 €
Ti Mathena To Su Pericha To Ocos
for piano and orchestra (2009)
12,36 €
Thursday and May the Lord Forgive you
for mezzo-soprano and 10 players on the...
15,45 €
Three Songs for Soprano and Violin
Thoreau - Baudelaire - Poe
9,00 €
Three question with two answers
per orchestra
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Three Pieces for Violin and Piano
(from "The Children's Journey")
7,30 €
Soprano, Ney, Ud, Piano
9,00 €