Igor Maia
Play all audio recordingsIgor Maia is Bachelor of Music Composition from the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague in 2010, where he was a student of Martijn Padding, Gilius van Bergeijk and Patrick van Deurzen and Master of Music Composition from the State University of Campinas (Brazil) under supervision of Silvio Ferraz and with a scholarship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (Brazil). He participated in Festivals and Masterclasses with the composers Jukka Tiensuu at Summer Sounds (Finland - 2009): Brian Ferneyhough at the Fondation Royaumont (France - 2010): Toshio Hosokawa at the Takefu International Composition Workshop (Japan – 2011) as exchange student from the Fondation Royaumont, as well as others in Argentina and Brazil. He was awarded the prizes BMI Student Composer Award (USA), FUNARTE Prize in Composition (Brazil) and 1st Prize of II National Composition Competition Música Hoje (Brazil). His music has been performed in Argentina, Brazil, England, Finland, France, Holland, Japan and the USA. He received commission from Ensemble Reconsil (Austria), 4mil Saxophone Quartet (Argentina), Konart Duo (Spain) and Lawrence University (USA). Currently he is a PhD Student at King’s College London under supervision of Silvina Milstein with a Scholarship from CAPES Foundation (Brazil).
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Tri par année. Les pièces les plus recentes apparaissent d'abord
for flute, viola and harp
Igor Maia
for orchestra
Igor Maia
for chamber ensemble
Igor Maia
Permutações Sonoras
Igor Maia
So is my last breath...
Igor Maia
for symphony orchestra
Igor Maia
for Large Ensemble
Igor Maia
for Symphony Orchestra
Igor Maia
for viola and cello
Igor Maia
for alto flute, percussion and cello
Igor Maia
for clarinet and guitar
Igor Maia
for chamber ensemble
Igor Maia
Résultats 1 à 19 sur 19
Groupe de Chambre (2 - 4 instruments)
Guatá II for flute, viola and harp (2023)
Piano Trio Permutações Sonoras (2019)
Etude-Caprice "Black Mesa" for viola and cello (2016)
Caminantes IV for clarinet and guitar (2015)
Guirápuap for alto flute, percussion and cello (2015)
Memórias de uma Paisagem Inexistente (2012)
Caminantes II (2011)
Caminantes III (2011)
Caminantes (2010)
Orchestre Symphonique
Selā for orchestra (2022)
Black Mesa for symphony orchestra (2018)
Iamí for Symphony Orchestra (2016)
Ensemble de Chambre (5 - 9 instruments)
Tape Porã for chamber ensemble (2020)
Guatá for Large Ensemble (2018)
Fluxus for chamber ensemble (2014)
A.M. (2010)
Black Mesa for symphony orchestra (2018)
Caminantes (2010)
Caminantes II (2011)
Caminantes III (2011)
Caminantes IV for clarinet and guitar (2015)
Constelación (2010)
Etude-Caprice "Black Mesa" for viola and cello (2016)
Fluxus for chamber ensemble (2014)
Gris (2012)
Guatá for Large Ensemble (2018)
Guatá II for flute, viola and harp (2023)
Guirápuap for alto flute, percussion and cello (2015)
Iamí for Symphony Orchestra (2016)
Memórias de uma Paisagem Inexistente (2012)
Piano Trio Permutações Sonoras (2019)
Selā for orchestra (2022)
Tape Porã for chamber ensemble (2020)
Xakypueri A'ang'aé So is my last breath... (2019)
Black Mesa for symphony orchestra (2018)
Caminantes (2010)
Caminantes II (2011)
Caminantes III (2011)
Caminantes IV for clarinet and guitar (2015)
Constelación (2010)
Etude-Caprice "Black Mesa" for viola and cello (2016)
Fluxus for chamber ensemble (2014)
Gris (2012)
Guatá for Large Ensemble (2018)
Guatá II for flute, viola and harp (2023)
Guirápuap for alto flute, percussion and cello (2015)
Iamí for Symphony Orchestra (2016)
Memórias de uma Paisagem Inexistente (2012)
Piano Trio Permutações Sonoras (2019)
Selā for orchestra (2022)
Tape Porã for chamber ensemble (2020)
Xakypueri A'ang'aé So is my last breath... (2019)