Kilian Schwoon

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Ensemble de Chambre (5 - 9 instruments)

Wandszene for brass quintet (2017)
Winde und Sedimente for violin and small ensemble (2003)

Soliste (Instrument ou voix) et électronique en temps réel

Flugträume for double bass and electronics (2014)
Pendelnde Schatten for alto flute and electronics (2010)
Glanz und Zwielicht for trombone and electronics (2006)

Instrument Solo

Gespinste for organ (2013)
Winkel und Neigungen for koto (with voice) (2013)
Aus dem Dickicht for violin (2009)
Höhlenwände for organ (2007)
Temperierte Fluten for piano (2005)
Chalumele et refrestele for clarinet (2002)
In hydraulischer Landschaft for organ (2000)
Stilles Relief for accordion (1998)

Ensemble (Instruments ou voix) et électronique en temps réel

Knotenkunde for piano, two digital keyboards and electronics (2012)
Kerbholz for oboe, percussion and electronics (2010)
Baskisches Mobile for percussion quartet and electronics (2004)
Thronlos for accordion, electric bass and electronics (2003)
Broken Consort for ensemble with electronics (1999)

Voix solo

Cutting Clouds for high soprano (2001)

Groupe de Chambre (2 - 4 instruments)

Mit pochendem Atem for piano, marimba and accordion (2000)
Newtons Krypta for flute, violoncello and piano (2000)

Soliste (Instrument ou voix) et électronique fixée

Orpheus und Demokrit Music for piano with tape (1997)
Aus dem Dickicht for violin (2009)
Baskisches Mobile for percussion quartet and electronics (2004)
Broken Consort for ensemble with electronics (1999)
Chalumele et refrestele for clarinet (2002)
Cutting Clouds for high soprano (2001)
Flugträume for double bass and electronics (2014)
Gespinste for organ (2013)
Glanz und Zwielicht for trombone and electronics (2006)
Höhlenwände for organ (2007)
In hydraulischer Landschaft for organ (2000)
Kerbholz for oboe, percussion and electronics (2010)
Knotenkunde for piano, two digital keyboards and electronics (2012)
Mit pochendem Atem for piano, marimba and accordion (2000)
Newtons Krypta for flute, violoncello and piano (2000)
Orpheus und Demokrit Music for piano with tape (1997)
Pendelnde Schatten for alto flute and electronics (2010)
Stilles Relief for accordion (1998)
Temperierte Fluten for piano (2005)
Thronlos for accordion, electric bass and electronics (2003)
Wandszene for brass quintet (2017)
Winde und Sedimente for violin and small ensemble (2003)
Winkel und Neigungen for koto (with voice) (2013)
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