Reinhard Karger
Play all audio recordingsReinhard Karger, composer and director
born 5-3-1953 in TŸbingen (Germany)
Studies in composition, electronic music and theatre with
Erhard Karkoschka (Musikhochschule Stuttgart),
Gottfried Michael Koenig(Instituut voor Sonologie Utrecht),
Morton Subotnick (California Institute of the Arts Los Angeles)
and Brian Ferneyhough (Musikhochschule Freiburg)
Main fields of activity:
Compositions for chamber ensembles and all kinds of vocal settings,
multimedia concert and theatre projects in the field of language - voice - scenical display.
From 2005 to 2008 professor for contemporary music and music theatre at the University in Kassel (Germany),
since 2008 professor for composition with emphasis on new media at the
University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, from 2011 to 2013 head of the
Institute of Composition and Electroacoustics.
Concerts, Lectures and Masterclasses at the Music Academies of Gothenburg (Sweden), Poznan (Poland), Sofia (Bulgaria), Hsinchu and Taipeh (Taiwan).
born 5-3-1953 in TŸbingen (Germany)
Studies in composition, electronic music and theatre with
Erhard Karkoschka (Musikhochschule Stuttgart),
Gottfried Michael Koenig(Instituut voor Sonologie Utrecht),
Morton Subotnick (California Institute of the Arts Los Angeles)
and Brian Ferneyhough (Musikhochschule Freiburg)
Main fields of activity:
Compositions for chamber ensembles and all kinds of vocal settings,
multimedia concert and theatre projects in the field of language - voice - scenical display.
From 2005 to 2008 professor for contemporary music and music theatre at the University in Kassel (Germany),
since 2008 professor for composition with emphasis on new media at the
University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, from 2011 to 2013 head of the
Institute of Composition and Electroacoustics.
Concerts, Lectures and Masterclasses at the Music Academies of Gothenburg (Sweden), Poznan (Poland), Sofia (Bulgaria), Hsinchu and Taipeh (Taiwan).
Tri par année. Les pièces les plus recentes apparaissent d'abord
1) Vertigo 2) Uncle Neil 3) My old Shoes
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Reinhard Karger
Résultats 1 à 11 sur 11
Instrument Solo
An Joseph Roth (for Trombone) (2014)
An Joseph Roth (for Clarinet) (2012)
The Penrose piano book of pentatonic secrets (2001)
An Joseph Roth (for Clarinet) (2012)
An Joseph Roth (for Trombone) (2014)
Der blinde Spiegel (2011)
Die späte Welt (2006)
Komm, O Tod, du Schlafes Bruder (1999)
La Vie c'est Ailleurs (1998)
Lost and Found 1) Vertigo 2) Uncle Neil 3) My old Shoes (2019)
Mes Adieux (2005)
The Penrose piano book of pentatonic secrets (2001)
This is the show (2014)
Weil mir die Sonn (2009)
An Joseph Roth (for Trombone) (2014)
Der blinde Spiegel (2011)
Die späte Welt (2006)
Komm, O Tod, du Schlafes Bruder (1999)
La Vie c'est Ailleurs (1998)
Lost and Found 1) Vertigo 2) Uncle Neil 3) My old Shoes (2019)
Mes Adieux (2005)
The Penrose piano book of pentatonic secrets (2001)
This is the show (2014)
Weil mir die Sonn (2009)