Mirrors - 6 Hommages and Self - Portrait
Mirrors - 6 Hommages and Self -...
Mit Verlaub (gehoben, eine möglicherweise Ärger erregende Aussage einleitend)
for two alto saxophones and electronics
per flauto, clarinetto, violino,...
Modulations mecaniques
Commande de l'Ensemble Proxima...
Moment à l’Extrêmement...
for cello and electronics
Moment Étincelant
Sunghyun Lee - Moment Étincelant pour...
Moments before the eruption
for seven instruments and electronics
Monologue for the Loneliness of the Composer II
for solo flute
Monologue pour une araignée mécanique
pour un musicien jouant une...
per flauto, clarinetto, violino,...
Moro de Venecia
anti-concerto for violoncello, chamber...
Moroloja ke erotika
per voce femminile e quartetto d archi...
Morte dell aria
Opera in 1 atto (1 scena) di Toti...
motion machines II
for Flute, Accordion and Piano
Mottetti per la passione
per coro misto a cappella
Mouvement pour quintette
pour violon, alto, violoncelle et piano
Mouvements de l'Arve
for flute solo, ensemble and electronics
per clavicembalo, pianoforte e 9...
per pianoforte e strumenti
solo bass clarinet and fixed media...
per orchestra e quattro percussioni
Murmullo de otra luz
for Choir, two lontano Choirs, Organ,...
Music Box - 1
for any group of instruments from 2 to...
Music for plywood boxes; plywood, textolite and aluminum sheets
for five musicians
Happening musical et jeux interactifs...
Musica notturna
per cinque fiati, pianoforte e...
Música para clarinete bajo y violoncello
for clarinet and violoncello
Musica per orchestra d archi
per orchestra d archi
Musica per una fine
per coro a quattro voci miste,...
Musik für Daniil Charms II
Trio für Sopran, Viola, mikrotonales...
For amplified Double-Bass, on-stage...
Mutations saturées sur le devant de la nuit II
for flute, saxophone, percussion,...
My condition exempts me, hommage à Rahsaan Roland Kirk
for tenor saxophone, electronics and...
My Words Are Swallows
for voice, kemençe, and string quartet
Mythologische Stoffe
9 Lieder für Sopran und Klavier nach...
für Vokaloktett, Licht und Objekte nach...
Nachklang 1: Trägheit-Studie
for violin, violoncello and piano