Variationen über das thema B.A.C.H
Gravitation V for soprano sax and viola.
Variations sur un echo
pour fagot "live" et instruments...
Variazione su un tema di Diabelli
per pianoforte
Variazioni e notturni
per soprano e orchestra, su poesie di...
Vayamos al Diablo
Music by Astor Piazzolla Arrangement...
Vectores Mágicos 2
para Flauta soprano y Electrónica Fija
per orchestra (Potpourri - Cuerdas -...
Ventana de Quimeras
por violon, alto, violoncelle et piano
Verso un altro occidente
per flauto, clarinetto, viola,...
Concerto per due pianoforti e orchestra
Vessels (160935 km)
for amplified harp, video and smarphone...
Vestido para este banquete
for mezzo-soprano, bass and percussion
Viatges I flores
per soprano, due recitanti, coro e...
Vicente Gómez García 2012-2022
for piano, video and electronics
Viejo final de partida
para flauta en sol, clarinete bajo,...
vihik (b) / shulammite (e)
for flute, violin, cello and piano
VIII. An elaboration of the Variation VIII from the Diabelli Variations by L. van Beethoven
per orchestra
Viola Concerto "Furia & Lamento"
for solo viola and orchestra
Voci dal silenzio
per voce recitante, coro misto, voci...
Voi che sap(r)ete
Canzona ricercata dalle Nozze di Figaro...
Voices of Saudade
Commissioned by the Jerusalem Symphony...
Volver (réduction pour piano)
Carlos Gardel / Arthur Lavandier
Von contrapunctus VI
for string quartet, to Dalia Quartet
a self-portrait for Clarinet,...
Walking on the moon alone
for recorder, guitar, and fixed audio
Walking through boundaries
per ensemble, live electronics e...
walkside, lost
for three percussionists, electronics,...
Waltz ? Lila
for accordion and string quintet
waren wir, sind wir, werden
for mezzo-soprano, cello and piano
Wasser Zum Wort
pour Tenorblockflöte Elektroakusitsche...
Wasteland almost a landscape
per violino, viola e ensemble...
Wasteland apparent emptiness
per ensemble e amplificazione ad libitum
Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
for string quartet and soprano
Welten… auseinander
für Sopran, Ensemble und Elektronik...
What All This Could Be (W A T C B)
Music theatre / musico-theatrical...
What Is The Best Piece Of Contemporary Music? – Denied!
From the "ReCoding Cloud" cycle