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collide for quartet
11,00 €
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Estimated Duration
20 - 25min
ISMN : 979-0-2325-6126-4
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collide is a composite composition form from four separate parts (with different combinations of instrumentation).
- lectio brevis
- ἀντί - Ἀνταῖος
- querschnitt
- ciemna materia
However, they are not played in sequence but are fragmented into sections and distributed through the 21-minute duration of collide.
However, they are not played in sequence but are fragmented into sections and distributed through the 21-minute duration of collide.
additional notes on lectio brevis
The 2 parts of lectio brevis are quite different except that the violin plays the leading role in both parts (and both being a sort of dialectic (in a Hegelian
sense) re‐reading of J.S. Bach’s double from Partita No.1 for violin) while the other instruments act as an almost “electronic” background.
The first part consists of a sequence of disjunct phrases separated by short rests. These pauses should be as abrupt and silent as possible, almost as
someone hits a mute button.
The second part separates the left/right hand of the violin: left hand playing mostly glissandi between different “chords”.
Both parts have the duration of approximately 160 seconds.
additional notes on ἀντί - Ἀνταῖος
The dynamics form a crucial aspect of the structure of ἀντί - Ἀνταῖος. The accented and non-accented sounds should be clearly distinguished from one
another: the accented sounds are notated throughout two degrees louder than the non-accented ones. This scheme is however subject to rapid and
often extreme variation in the clarinet and percussion parts, for example between p/ppp and fff/f. The violin part, on the other hand, consists mostly of
gradual crescendi and diminuendi.
ἀντί - Ἀνταῖος is fragmented into 4 parts, each with 22 bars in 6/8 but with a retarding tempo evolution: 120, 112.5, 108, 90 – meaning they get longer for
each time.
The barring of these parts is intended as an aid to coordination and has no metrical implications. The constantly-changing “metre” of the music should be
associated principally with the aforementioned accentual framework.
additional notes on querschnitt
The 3 parts of querschnitt are basically different degrees of free improvisation with indications of instrumentation, duration, dynamic range and general
approach. The durations of the 3 parts are: 116, 96 and 76 seconds – meaning they get shorter for each time.
additional notes on ciemna materia
The pitch-material of ciemna materia consists solely of 21 eighth-tone pitches: 6 for percussion (semi-tones, 7 for clarinet and 8 for violin.
The exact instrument(s) in percussion is left open for the performer to decide but must be able to play prolonged continuous notes with the precise pitches delegated to the percussion part.
2 excerts. lactio brevis (1) and ἀντί - Ἀνταῖος (1) Live recording from first performance with Kwartludium.
Score Details
Format - A3 / Tabloid
Pages - 42
Pages - 42