Ordered by year. Most recent works appears first
Scenic radiodrame with live electronics
Iñaki Estrada Torío
for 12 string instruments on four poems of Juan Gallego Benot
Iñaki Estrada Torío
Scenic radiodrame with live electronics
Iñaki Estrada Torío
concerto for flute and orchestra
Iñaki Estrada Torío
For saxophone quartet
Iñaki Estrada Torío
for little ensemble
Iñaki Estrada Torío
for piano and live electronics
Iñaki Estrada Torío
for 35 musicians
Iñaki Estrada Torío
for flute and guitar
Iñaki Estrada Torío
Results 1 - 9 of 9
Ensemble (Instruments or Voices) and Real Time Electronics
Moby Dick Scenic radiodrame with live electronics (2022)
Heart of Darkness Scenic radiodrame with live electronics (2019)
String Orchestra
Oración en el huerto for 12 string instruments on four poems of Juan Gallego Benot (2021)
Chamber Group ( 2 - 4 instruments )
Eguzki distirak For saxophone quartet (2014)
Oreka for flute and guitar (2001)
Astiro for little ensemble (2012)
Claroscuros concerto for flute and orchestra (2016)
Eguzki distirak For saxophone quartet (2014)
Heart of Darkness Scenic radiodrame with live electronics (2019)
I+D for piano and live electronics (2010)
Moby Dick Scenic radiodrame with live electronics (2022)
Oración en el huerto for 12 string instruments on four poems of Juan Gallego Benot (2021)
Oreka for flute and guitar (2001)
Refurbished sound for 35 musicians (2008)
Claroscuros concerto for flute and orchestra (2016)
Eguzki distirak For saxophone quartet (2014)
Heart of Darkness Scenic radiodrame with live electronics (2019)
I+D for piano and live electronics (2010)
Moby Dick Scenic radiodrame with live electronics (2022)
Oración en el huerto for 12 string instruments on four poems of Juan Gallego Benot (2021)
Oreka for flute and guitar (2001)
Refurbished sound for 35 musicians (2008)