The Sleepy Tree
for 3 electric guitars, 2 violoncelli...
The Song a future Human
for clarinet in B /Bass cl. in B,...
The Sorrowful Flower
for 2 violoncelli, 2 contrabassi and 2...
The strength of the silver arrow
For ensemble with electronics ad...
The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls
For Mezzo Soprano and Piano
the traces that remain
gramophones, bass clarinet, percussion,...
The Unbridgeable Gulf
for Tenor Saxophone, Violoncello,...
The Upgrade [for a group of musicians with phones an imaginary waiting room from a not-too distant future)
for voice, flute, piano, accordion and...
The Veneer Melts
For Two Amplified Violins and Fixed...
The Voice of Hades
Version for Bass Flute and Bass Clarinet
The Voice of Hades
Version for Bass Flute and Contrabass...
The Wedge is Struck, the Fog Remains
for clarinet and piano
The whirling, dancing flower
for children's voice and piano
Then Silence, and Stillness, and Night
a nocturne for prepared piano and...
Then Sound, and Motion, and Touch
a nocturne for prepared piano and iPad
There is a time and place
Finale - Scene III' [concert version]
there was never ground beneath your feet
for string quartet
They Need to Remember
for Treble Voice and String Quartet
They Whisper In Your Ear
for 7 Percussionists Written for...
things lost things invisible
for Ambisonic space and orchestra
Things You Don't Yet Know You Feel
for soprano and string quartet
Third Station, 1960
for bass flute, accordion & trombone
This Is Not A Waltz
for woodwind quartet (flute, oboe,...
for modular toy orchestra
Those unchanging aspects of matter
for bass clarinet, piano, violin and...
Three Chants for Assembling an Oboe
for oboe and string quartet
Three consonants panic rooms
for Soprano, Alto & Accordion
Soprano, Ney, Ud, Piano